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Integrated BIM tools, including Revit, AutoCAD, and Civil 3D
Professional CAD/CAM tools built on Inventor and AutoCAD
Recently, I had a problem with Fusion 360 locking up. I uninstalled and reinstalled the product. Since then, I get the "No internet connection" message when I load the program.
Nothing has changed on my local network.
I have followed the threads on this problem and have done what I see people are recommending, including downloading Ringer and checking my network settings.
Any input would be great...
I've included my Diagnostic Log File
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi @pastor.healer,
Thanks for sharing your logs. This seems related to a proxy that may have been set up:
20180103T092359 I PROXY: proxy server set to
Did you set one up? Also, do you have Win10? On my home computer, a Win10 update put a Win_HTTP proxy on the computer which I wasn't too happy about (or so I believe it was a Windows update, not too sure).
In any case, if you do NOT know where this proxy came from, let's try this.
Did that fix it?
Thank you for responding James
I did as you suggested and the response from the cmd prompt was;
Direct Access (No proxy server)
Hi @pastor.healer,
Hmmm, do you have a normal proxy set up then? For instance if you open Internet Options and go to the Connections tab. Then under LAN settings is that IP address enabled? If so, can you disable it. I'm curious to see why it is triggering a proxy server. Did you manually add this to the Fusion network settings?
Also, let's try wiping the loginstate.xml file and see if that clears anything up. To do this:
Mac OS
Note: While working through the following instructions, you will need to be able to access hidden files and folders on Mac.
Windows OS
Note: While working through the instructions in this article, you will need to access hidden files and folders on Windows.
1. (Close Fusion 360) In windows explorer browse to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Web Services
2. In the Web Services directory, right lick on the Login State.xml file and select delete
3. Restart Fusion 360
If not, feel free to email me at james.youmatz@autodesk.com. We may have to set up a remote session to go over this in more detail.
In the local settings, the fields are blank. No proxy or ip address was listed.
I did what you asked and deleted the file in the appdata folder.
Restarted Fusion and still get the message. No Internet Connection.
I downloaded the recommended program Fiddler 4 earlier. Is there a way for that to dig down
and find out where this proxy server is located?
As a side note... I have a security system here. With network ip cameras. Is it possible the
company loaded a proxy server and I don't see it? If so, is there a way to see it? I've had that
system for years and I've not had problems with Fusion until just recently.
To my knowledge nothing has changed. I did change out my physical hard drive with a solid
state one, but I just mirrored the drives. The system has worked flawlessly since that conversion.
Thanks much for your help.
Hi @pastor.healer,
Man that is really strange.... not too sure. I'm still scanning those logs for clues, but I'm not seeing much here. Unfortunately, Fiddler is a great tool to debug networks, but I'm not that savvy with it.
Let's set up a remote session, I really want to get a better understanding of what is going on here and see if I can locate the issue.
Feel free to email me at james.youmatz@autodesk.com
For anyone else who experiences this we found the issue, although please note that this no connection issue may be due to other factors for different users. It is a generic error message when Fusion cannot connect to the internet.
It turns out his Autodesk folder (located in C:/users/<username>/appdata/local) somehow was hidden and had read only properties enabled. After disabling that for the folder and its subfolders, Fusion was able to connect to the internet.
Hi all, exactley this issue was also happens to me, so i only very wonder how it can turns self the Folders to hide??
wich rights are seting in Fusion to make some changes like this ? Is this not a security Problem ?
Thanks for Feedback. best regards
Thanks for this article I had the same problem and this fixed it.
thanks you very much.
Hello I just want to say thank you very much, i have tried like for 1 hour all the things listed on differents supports pages (proxy, firewall etc...) and your solution is working !!!
Thanks for this article, this fixed it.
Спасибо! Это реально работает!
Thanks, this worked for me!!
I just had the same thing on a brand new install of fusion never used it before, but when i try and make that folder not read only it is instantly set back to read only, why the internet connection is dependent on this folder i dont know?
Thank you very much for finding the issue. Your solution fixed my problem.
I was opening Fusion 360 and it was saying that it was working in offline mode because it could not connect to the internet. Fusion 360 was trying to download an update on start-up but this got to 99% and failed because the internet connection was not available.
When I toggled the Online/Offline switch to Offline, then back to Online, it would remain Red, saying no Internet Connection was available.
When I saw this thread, I realied my Local folder was also Hidden and set to Read Only. I changed both of these parameters for all files, folders and sub-folders. It took a few minutes to apply the changes and then I restarted the computer.
When I opened Fusion 360 after a restart, the update downloaded to 100% and it said a new version of Fusion 360 was available. I then Restarted Fusion 360 and I now have my application running in Online mode with the most up to date software installed.
I had the same problem. After some trying it turned out the time on my laptop wasn't correct. After correcting it (turn of auto time and then turn it on again) I was able to start Fusion 360 again.
(btw the wrong time is caused by my Ubuntu dualboot)
The properties in autodesk folder on my computer show read only When I reset them they instantly reset to read only. It seems that I can take files from the w.login file and save them back to the server but can not access them.
The problem seems intermittent. I blamed our satellite internet but do not believe that is the case.
Thanks in advance.
The solution from James Youmatz still did wonders here by the end of 2024. Thank you. I was somehow unable to connect to the internet with my home wifi after an update, from which it was usually able to. Unchecked the read only mark on the Autodesk folder under the Local folder, and it did the trick.
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