Mac Trackpad Zoom/Pan Bug


Mac Trackpad Zoom/Pan Bug


Hello everyone, I recently downloaded the latest version of Fusion 360 (2.0.2455) on my Mac and I keep running into this bug where the scrolling motion of the two fingers will zoom in/out rather than pan. It's like the panning command was somehow assigned to the zooming command, and the original zooming command was of no use. In addition to this, orbiting is completely dysfunctional. 

My MacBookPro has the following specs:

Version: 10.10.3

MacBookPro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015)

Processor: 2.9GHz Intel Core i5

Memory: 8GB 1867 MHz DDR3

Startup Disk: Macintosh HD

Graphics: Intel Iris Graphics 6100 1536MB

Storage: 500GB


I have read a thread discussing the exact same problems, however it was started on 2014 and the answers provided back then do not work for me now. These answers include:

Toggling on/off the "Use gesture-based view navigation"

Minimizing the Fusion 360 app and maximizing it


I hope we can solve this issue soon because it really makes it a major pain in the back to work like this for people in my situation.

Thank you

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Community Manager
Community Manager



Thanks for posting and welcome to the forum.


The problem you are experiencing is that the trackpad is losing focus on Fusion.


You need to get the OS to recognize Fusion again.

  • Try dragging the view cube, starting a command, etc. Interact with the model and drawing canvas.
  • Also do not have any other apps running "behind" Fusion, minimize them all to the dock.

We are currently working on a fix for this for our next update. However, it might not make the release due to complexity and testing time required, in which case it would be included in the very next update.


Sorry for the trouble and thanks for your patience.



Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.



Hi @Phil.E,


I have a similar issue. I'm using Macbook pro with trackpad. 


My issue is: With a newly started Fusion app, I have two-finger pan

works well on my laptop, as long as I don't close the lid and put

the laptop into sleep. The two-finger pan gesture will change to

zoom in/out after reopening my laptop.


This also happens with two-finger+ shift orbit gesture, instead of

changing the behavior , this gesture will not work at all after reopening

the lid.


I've tried with minimizing all the "behind" apps and let fusion to

re-focus. But doesn't help! The only way to solve my problem was to 

quit Fusion and restart it again!


Please help!






Community Manager
Community Manager



This should not happen at all anymore. The update fixed all that, unless we find otherwise. So your report is a bit troubling. What you are describing is your machine sending gestures to the OS rather than Fusion. So the trackpad has no idea that Fusion should be in focus. This is exactly what we fixed.


Have you updated Fusion to the latest?

Restarted your machine lately?

Can you try closing the other apps, rather than minimizing?


Thanks for the report and any other details you can provide, such as OS, what mac model you have, when was it made, video card, etc.


If anyone else is seeing this, please chime in, we need to find out if it's happening to you.







Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.



Hi @Phil.E


I think I'm updated to the latest version of Fusion. The version is 2.0.2539.

This issue exists for quite some time for me. During this time I've restarted

machine a lot of times.


I'm using MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2012) with macOS Sierra 10.12.1.

The CPU is a 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7 with 8 GB DDR3 RAM, intel HD Graphics 4000 Graphic



As right now Fusion runs like normal, I'll do a new restart, and when next time it happens, I'll

try closing all the other apps  to see if fusion can receive trackpad gestures. 


Thanks for your reply! 



Hi @Phil.E


I can confirm the issue exists even I closed all the running apps. This time 

I encountered it when I closed the lid and moved to a different place with

no wifi connections. I minimized and restored the Fusion window, with no luck.

I'm using Chinese as my UI language. I don't know if this locale setting related.


Here's the log file. 






Hi @Phil.E


I think the problem may be caused by the switch between different displays. I usually connect my laptop

to an external display when at home ( with the laptop lid closed). When I'm out, I just unplug the wire and

switch to the native display of my laptop.


Today I found the gestures were ok when I use the external display, but didn't work afterwards when I

change to native laptop's display. When I'm back on the external display, everything works again.


So I think it might make more sense to be a graphic problem. 





Community Manager
Community Manager

Okay, thanks for the info. I'm still working to reproduce this, but as soon as we can we can look at improving it.



Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.


Not applicable

Hi, I have recently installed Fusion 360 and I read in the getting started area that two fingers would pan, but it zooms instead. I hate when big companies lie about their products and the first thing I try when freshly installing Fusion gives me trouble. Are you seriously recommending this software to power users? The first thing I try doesn't work. What am I going to do when I really need to work with this thing if navigation doesn't work????? Thats not a good first impression and talks poorly about the people behind this autodesk product. So lets get on with it. I need a fix for this... its driving me nuts that I cannot work with the trackpad. You shouldn't include this in the getting started if its not true. I see that this problem has already been out there in 2014, do you expect this kind of inconsistencies throughout the whole lifecycle of Fusion? Just to repeat past mistakes after a few iterations? This is a step back that alienates new customers. So, what can I do to get this to work? This post was started in October.... I don't see a solution yet.....


Community Manager
Community Manager



Hi, welcome to the Fusion forum.


The long standing issue of trackpad losing focus for all MacBook Pro (and trackpad) users was fixed in the November 9 update. Sorry that I wasn't clear about that in this thread.


  • It appears that after this fix there are still a very small number of Mac users who encounter it. You must be one of them.
  • It also appears that the people who are experiencing it only do so after very specific hardware interactions, such as disconnecting secondary monitors and sleeping the computer.
  • I have no evidence to speak otherwise. It's fixed for almost everyone AFAIK.


But it sounds like you experienced this problem immediately upon installing Fusion. This is not expected. 


Let me explain what is likely happening to you: When the trackpad does not "see" Fusion as the active app, it sends only OS navigation events instead of Fusion navigation events. In Fusion this is what you yourself find - two finger zoom instead of pan.


Usually you can regain proper trackpad operation by clicking into the Fusion app, like on a toolbar or the view cube.


Can you please let us know: does the trackpad ever function as it should for you?


I would love to help you have a better experience in Fusion, but if the trackpad always completely fails for you that would be unique and would require a lot of additional questions to help narrow down why you experience complete failure of the trackpad. If you have the same experience as the other recent commenters, do you find that any other activity causes loss of trackpad (other than external monitor switching and sleeping the machine)? Please let us know.


Apologies for your bad experience! Let's make it better for you.



Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.


Not applicable

Hi Phil and thanks for the warm welcome!!! XD


I tried to pan immediately after I opened the app. I have it as an active window alright, since my post I was able to pan with the trackpad but only if something was already created in Fusion. If I open an empty project it will not pan... I think that is the problem. I was surprised to see it work after the creation of some geometry... but this is misleading for the user. The trackpad function should work the same inside the program independent of the content of the project (in my opinion of course). I have been working for years with CAD and modeling software so this specific interaction feels weird. I don't know if this is intentional or just something to work on but I think this post can maybe help sorting this out.


Best regards,


Klaus Hellemann


Community Manager
Community Manager



Thanks for the feedback. You are the only person reporting this so far. So it is not intentional design for trackpad use.


This is the intended experience:

  • Wherever the pointer is, the trackpad has a role.
  • Over the data panel, it scrolls the data panel if you have many designs.
  • Over a scroll bar, it scrolls the bar.
  • Inside the Fusion modeling window, two fingers are pan, Shift + two fingers are orbit, and pinch is zoom.

Can you check your preferences for which default orbit shortcut you are using? Preferences is found under the menu with your name in the upper right corner.



Also, do you have the grid display turned on? It's really hard to see any panning unless you have the grid on. 


Another thing that will help is a video. The best tool is Autodesk Screencast because it captures keyboard and mouse events. It might help us to see what is going on for you.







Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.





I am experiencing the same problem. After sleeping my laptop, I get two finger zoom instead of pan and no orbit...

My Fusion version is 2.0.3174, these are my computer specs:


MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2016)

1,2 GHz Intel Core m5

8 Go 1867 MHz LPDDR3

Intel HD Graphics 515 1536 Mo


Best wishes,



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Not applicable

Also having the same issue. 


MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), Most Recent Sierra

Most recent Fusion Update


360 will sometimes randomly switch from panning to zooming when using two fingers. Set as constrained orbit and fusion settings. 


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Community Manager
Community Manager


Thanks for letting us know. Can you help narrow down any events that took place prior to loss of gestures, other than sleeping the machine? 


For instance, does it happen after you look at a different app or web page?

Does it happen more immediately after starting Fusion, or after using it for a long time?


Any clues you have will help. We still cannot track down a reliable way to reproduce this. The vast majority of trackpad use does not see this problem, but you obviously have seen it often. If we can understand why it happens for you we can fix it.



Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.


Not applicable

I have exactly the same problem on a mac since the first day I installed fusion 15 months ago.


As soon as I close the lid of my macbook, the trackpad only zooms in and out, everything else dysfunctional.


Macbook late 2014, newest mac os and newest fusion.


Only thing that helps is restarting fusion. Then everything is fine.



Same here. It seems to be only if another application has focus when the laptop sleeps—if Fusion is active, on wake the trackpad works correctly. It could possibly be related to Spaces as well? I keep Fusion on a separate virtual desktop.


Not applicable

I am also having this problem. I tried using a wacom tablet with fusion and as soon as i unplugged it the regular tracked controls no longer worked for pan and orbit and the pan control made it zoom instead. I have tried all the suggestions on this thread and nothing has worked. I am using version 2.0.3706 and my computer is 

MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2013) 

1.3 GHz Intel Core i5

4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

Macintosh HD

Intel HD Graphics 5000 1536 MB


thanks for the help


Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome all to the Fusion 360 community.


@Anonymous Are you using a second monitor and blu-tooth trackpad? Or do you mean after opening your laptop?


@daniel.ashbrook Good observation. There is clearly something that some people do that others do not. In our testing , we are also not doing these things. So the question goes to the group, are you using Spaces or alternate desktops? 


Other questions: 

Do you ever restart your Mac?

Do you have Chrome open, either "in front" or "behind" Fusion when this happens? (i.e. not minimized on the dock)


@Anonymous Can you check preferences? On the General tab (default screen when you open prefs) there is a check box that says "use gesture based view navigation". Is that checked (ON)?



Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.


Not applicable
Hi Phil,

It’s a plain MacBook Pro, no external devices no Bluetooth input no monitor. Just the internal trackpad. Happens when I close it.
