After moving on, I had another kind of odd thing happen with this file...
Where the MCP needs updating, I do a Get Latest for just that component, and a bunch of joints go wacky that dont seem like they should be affected at all by the MCP as far as I can figure.
Anyhew, I was able to delete the MCP without getting any errors, then re-inserting it back into the main design, but then it would not let me joint it in the main design. Getting compute failed error (like I usually get when ive jointed something wrong somewhere)
Narrowed the offending feature in the MCP to a Body to Comp 1 (the MCP), which happens late in the timeline after all the modeling stuff, but before attaching and joining all the hardware to the new components (from bodies)
Is this where I went wrong, breaking rule #1? If so, is there any way to fix it besides remodeling the parts following rule #1 better? These days I always create the component first, but this was created prior to me doing that by default.