Hello. Many thanks for your reply. It solved the issue with the error.
Unfortunately and it took a wee while to work out what was going wrong. I thought this was a hardware problem, but changing the WCS offset, and pushing that zero to 2, causes my machine to lose its own WCS.
If I zero my machine, the part appears in the wrong location. I have attached a screenshot of Mach 3. Where this is setup, the part, should be just above and too the right of the tool. Instead, the machine thinks the workpiece is further up the table and too the right.
Have I described this problem correctly? Now if I set the machine WCS offset too 0, this problem is fixed, but I get the error message again. I dont know what too do. I am also planning on machining multiple parts at some stage where this will be required. But this is where I am at for now.
Please advise with thanks in advance. Boyd