I have been experimenting with this over the past couple of days. I like how it allows me to automatically set a return home position by defining it. However, it does not work for me and I wonder if I overlooked something, or if this is a bug.
I use inches on everything. The kinematic definition page only allows for mm. You can put inch in and then it will convert to mm. But when gcode is generated, it outputs as in defined by g20 and then the return position is now the mm conversion number, but the machine tries to move in inches to that. My endstops work, so it was not an issue, but I would like to be able to use inch throughout.
I have not yet tried to just input the inch location as mm like 5in -> 5mm. I will after this post though.
Does not work. I have my home location set as x5 y20 z6 and the line for home ends up being G53 G0 X127. Y508.. I am not good with this, just know enough to get something done. I do know that mach3 shows that end line going way off in the distance.