Saving - Consistent Problem


Saving - Consistent Problem




I keep getting a recurring problem which is affecting both PCB and Schematic saving.

Design Preview.PNG

The above image is from the design preview window when I opened the project today and reflects how the design was left and last saved when I last worked on it.. The changes are on the right hand side near the two relays.


But when viewing the Schematic and PCB I'm greeted with this;Schematic.PNGPCB.PNG

Which is how the design was left in the previous save.


So it looks like the "design" is saving the changes but the individual files aren't, this isn't the first time it's happened but I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing or a bug.


Is there a specific procedure to follow when saving? At the moment I save each tab then the project, then close the PCB, Schematic and Project in that order.

Accepted solutions (2)
11 Replies
Replies (11)

Hi @Spragnut,

I hope you're doing well. The correct procedure is to to save the design document with the board and schematic open. When you do this, you'll see that the save operation cascades to the board and schematic. As long as you save the Project (Electronics Design document) you'll be OK. If you save the board or schematic individually then you won't save the other files and that's where stuff goes wrong.

We're working to improve this.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.

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Hi @jorge_garcia


Thank you for the reply, I'll stick to saving from the main project and see how I get on, I imagine this will solve this issue.






So this issue has returned and I've just commented on another post with what appears to be an identical issue.


One thing that stands out this time is I saved a project at work, and closed Fusion, reopened Fusion and the project and all the files looked fine. I then closed and finished for the day, I've just opened the project on my home machine and it's lost the changes I made.


Therefore I'm not sure if this is linked to moving from one machine to another, although some libraries needed updating, the components that are missing were already fully updated on both machines so I don't think that is the cause, I think it's more Fusion isn't retrieving the latest version of the SCH & PCB files when loading the software on different machines, so when the project is opened it loads the latest project preview but the SCH & PCB files are the last ones saved on that machine. I could probably prove this by making some changes tonight and opening it again on my work machine tomorrow.



Just to share my thoughts on this in case anyone else is having issues;


Moving from my work PC to Home last night resulted in no errors, success!! Or so I thought...


Moving back to my work PC this morning resulted in consistency errors, pretty much everything I changed last night, fortunately I only spent about 10 minutes making changes so it's only taken 30 minutes this morning to work around the convoluted way the consistency checks work....


The only thing I can think that may have caused this is whilst editing a component in the library, once done, I hit the forbidden save button, thinking this would just save the changes to the library, I'm starting to think this may have been the issue all along because all through this project I've been adding components, if you make changes and then close the library it looks like it saves automatically.


I'm going to persist for a while longer but loosing the 3D integration and going back to Easy PC is looking quite inviting, I do this as a hobby so don't really have time to chase my tail every time I open Fusion..



I'm still having issues with saving, I thought I'd nailed it whilst at work today having run through the save process a few times but I get home and there's bits missing when I open the project on my home PC.


Is anyone else switching PC's and everything remains consistent?


The only thing I can attribute it to is either the  library or how Fusion retrieves files from the cloud, I've also get this error when trying to update components;


Following devicesets are used in schematic but have not been found in the corresponding update library:

SWITCHES_SMT (id: urn:adsk.wipprod:fs.file:vf.7Vw1I_cdQ0OLqliB_-jfmg): MEC_5GSH9358222.

If this is not intended, adjust the library paths or library deviceset names and update again.


But the library is there as it was yesterday, opening the library and making a small change and saving again fixes this, but it's a pain.


I also added an inductor to the library whilst at work,  which was added to the schematic, this is missing from the schematic and PCB but shows in the project preview, the other changes I made are also missing.


It really seems like this is a cloud issue, I really wanted to persevere with Fusion Electrical because it's got such great potential, but I'm giving up for the time being, it's too infuriating.


2 things that desperately need fixing are;


Library integration

Saving mechanics - having to switch to the project window is silly, the save icon or ctrl-s should globally save everything.


I'll keep and eye on the patch releases and will revisit it at some point.. I think I'm starting to agree with the other poster that this release should have been delayed until it was ready.



I'm having the same exact issue. I make changes, save them. Close Fusion, reopen an hour later and everything is fine. Open the same project the next day, on the same computer and the changes are gone. The project preview page (whatever it is called) might show thumbnails of the last changes I made the day before but the individuals files, which show latest version numbers, have reverted to an earlier version.

This is VERY frustrating...I'll start a new post as well to hopefully illustrate this is a systematic issue, not a case use issue.

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Hey I'm having the same problem as well, I've lost nearly 40 hours of work at this point, I even spoke to Autodesk support team, and they had me convinced that is was my error with the way I was saving. Still, it seems to persist even if I follow their recommended procedures EXACTLY. 


It's incredibly frustrating. 


The only solution I've found is just to export both the Schematic and BRD every 5- 10 minutes as a backup, and when the issue occurs, I just import that back up as the latest. 


Hopefully, this gets fixed soon!


Hi Guys,

We are working on this, we are following a few leads as to what might be causing these problems. It looking thorny right now. Hope to have a solution soon.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.

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Hi @jorge_garcia,


That's great news, thank you for the update. I'll keep an eye out for the solution.





Accepted solution

Hello @Spragnut et. al.,


So sorry to hear that you're having trouble.

We just released a new version of Fusion 360 (v 2.0.7824) which we deployed a fix about save. Could you please upgrade to latest Fusion and try again? 


More details could be found here:


Please keep us be posted about whether you are still meet this issue or not.

Much appreciated.




Helen Chen
Principle QA for Fusion 360 Electronics

Accepted solution

Add few tips about saving process in Fusion 360, Hope it helps a little bit.


1. If your Fusion is working Online, when you are saving files in Fusion, it takes some time to upload from local cache.

- If you close the laptop's lip during the saving is in progress, then Fusion will be offline and the local cached files cannot be uploaded successfully. 

- In this case, if you open Fusion in another machine, open the files you will see the old versions.

- We need to wait for save successfully in machine A and then open it in machine B should see the changes.


2. If your Fusion is working offline, when you are saving files, it will save to local cache.

- In this case, if you open Fusion in another machine, open the files you will see the old versions.

- We need to back to machine A and make Fusion working online, then save it there completely, then open it in machine B should see the changes.


3. How to know whether your Fusion is working online or offline ?

Please notice the clock icon on the top right of Fusion next to your username. 

Besides you switch the working mode by yourself,  there are few cases that Fusion might be switched to working offline automatically. Please check out more details here:

Screen Shot 2020-03-24 at 1.17.32 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-24 at 1.17.53 PM.png


4. After saving designs in Fusion, how to confirm whether the save is successfully or not?

Please go to data panel -> click the version number of the file to expand the history list of the file -> Click View Details on Web

If you save the new changes on Web, then it's confirmed the save successfully.

Screen Shot 2020-03-24 at 1.06.17 PM.png


Hope it helps a little bit.




Helen Chen
Principle QA for Fusion 360 Electronics
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