Selecting parts of an open contour - UI tweak

Some background, for anyone who isnt aware... When you select a contour path in CAM, it will automatically complete the entire loop for you (closed contour). This is great, 90% of the time. Sometimes you just want to select pieces of that loop. The way to do it is click and hold, which brings up a context menu that allows you to pick a contour segment-by-segment.
My issues is the way that these lines are highlighted. A normal closed contour is highlighted boldly in blue - very easy to see. However, when I first starting using the open contour selection tool I had no idea what was going on because i couldnt even see that there was a line selected. In my opinion, these segments should be highlighted in the same bold blue color. You can see the faint blue line on the outer contour in the pic below (in contrast to the bold blue lines of the closed contours).