The API doesn't currenlty support anything beyond what you can do inside Fusion interactively. Fusion supports setting the appearance on a face-by-face basis, so you can set the appearance of a face to a transparent appearance. Below is some code that does this on a selected face. To be able to assign an appearance it first has to be copied from the library into the current design. This is done automatically when you assign an appearance in the UI but you need to do the step when using the API.
def setAppearance():
app = adsk.core.Application.get()
ui = app.userInterface
des = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(app.activeProduct)
face = adsk.fusion.BRepFace.cast(ui.selectEntity('Select a face', 'Faces').entity)
if face:
clearApp = des.appearances.itemByName('Glass (Clear)')
if clearApp == None:
lib = app.materialLibraries.itemByName('Fusion 360 Appearance Library')
if lib:
libraryClearApp = lib.appearances.itemByName('Glass (Clear)')
clearApp = des.appearances.addByCopy(libraryClearApp,
face.appearance = clearApp
if ui: