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XYZ point creation tool

XYZ point creation tool

Hi, I'm reposting this for votes again because it was archived and I really think its a good idea, and easy to implement. 


I'd really like a feature under "construct" to define points by just entering XYZ coordinates in a table (cylindrical or spherical too I guess).  This is quite useful for quickly importing measurements that are taken manually (survey data, CMM, locations in customer specs etc.)   A fourth column for point name, which is displayed on the model (with the ability turn names on and off) and after mouse over would be quite useful too. 


Ideally I'd like to be able reference these points against multiple coordinate systems, but just referencing the origin is fine for now.  The "Offset CSys Datum Point" tool in Creo is similar to what I'm looking for.  


There are also several other ideas around about work coordinant systems that really could use another look too and could probably be done at one time without much work. Simple reference geometry creation really hangs up a lot of professional users.


In other 3D solid modelling CAD systems I work with I often want to create a separate coordinate system for a feature, I can then make sketches on that csys, make constraints to it, and if I need to adjust the position of the feature I can just simply move the csys and the feature will follow with all its constraints unbroken.

Status changed to: Gathering Support

I'd like to hear from others on their use of this feature in other products and the need cases for it in Fusion 360.  I agree that it would be nice, but would like to hear more to help prioritize it on the road map.

Not applicable

Not quite sure if I understand your request, but each Component you create has it's own origin, axes and planes. Is this what you need? I've attached a screenshot of two boxes in separate components and coordinate systems (I've moved the origin of the second component along the x-axis of the first one)






I'd really like a feature under "construct" to define points by just entering XYZ coordinates in a table (cylindrical or spherical too I guess).  This is quite useful for quickly importing measurements that are taken manually (survey data, CMM, locations in customer specs etc.)   A fourth column for point name, which is displayed on the model (with the ability turn names on and off) and after mouse over would be quite useful too. 


Ideally I'd like to be able reference these points against multiple coordinate systems, but just referencing the origin is fine for now.  The "Offset CSys Datum Point" tool in Creo is similar to what I'm looking for.  


Additionally it would be quite nice to have an extra feature to link points from an embedded .csv or excel spreadsheet.  (like "Import points from file in ACAD Civil 3D").  Now if that .csv became a cloud document and could be edited to change the model, well now we're cooking with gas! For example if the points defined a skeleton of a bike frame then a custom made bike frame could be modeled top down and then iterations of the model auto generated based on customer supplied measurements.  






I think he wants to be able to define new coordinant systems, seperate of the component.  This is useful for sub assembly design say a car with its master c-system set at the front bumper and a transmission assembly with its own system at the input shaft on the bellhousing face. 


Great idea Dan.

I have posted here myself about lacking the option to create points in space and adding coordinate systems, but have been as of yet unheeded as far as upgrading the status from "idea"...

Not applicable

I'm not sure if any progress has been made on this issue, but this feature would be especially useful and save a lot of headache for users in the CAM module as well.  For choosing tool orientations, being able to define a new coordinate system to use for each machine setup would be vastly less frustrating that creating each individual axis for multiple setups or trying to find the appropriate geometry on the part.

Autodesk Support

I've posted a script in the below forum thread that may help with the point entry from CSV. It won't update when the CSV file is edited, but it could be helpful.





Status changed to: Gathering Support

Thank you for idea - this is getting archived due to lack of votes.


How many votes do you need to not get archived? 


There are several similar posts about point creation and work coordinant systems that on the surface seem like really simple fixes that have been sitting around for a year. A lot of layout/sketching/reference geometry requests are the things that make us mechanical design guys complain that Fusion is a good industrial design and surfacing tool, but not a good mechanical design tool as it's difficult/lacks features to place accurate geometry in space.

Not applicable

I agree with Michelle. It's use in the CAM module is extremely helpful for machine setup.

It'd be great to have this for one-off point entry and with a simple point-cloud file importer (delimited text files or even some standard point cloud file format)


yes, I'd like that feature as well. Manual table entry for a few, or upload for lots of points (there is a script for this, but I'd really like something with a user interface).

Not applicable

This would help immensely with 3D sketching.  An extension of this is the ability to pick a point and enter the Relative delta XYZ coordinates for the next point.

This is basic functionality that is expected in MCAD software.


It's common in programming to have be able to define WCS and Local coordinates for a part that has multiple faces and setups. I am new to Fusion 360 and thought this is already part of the setup process. What am I missing?

Not applicable

Any news on the coordinate systems?

Though very easy to use as CAM, single origin with tool orientation is a real headache in real world practice (4 axis horizontals)




Bump.  Between this and the first time I posted it it has had 19 votes (there were a few other similar posts too), what do we need to get this to the next stage?

Not applicable

Add me to the list of users who would like to be able to use multiple coordinate systems for different features in a part.

Not applicable

This is a serious limitation.

Conceptually it seems like it is a limitation. But once you work in the
design module you can manipulate any of the parts in any what you need.
More importantly inside CAM you are able to create a SETUP that allows you
to define a WCS World Coordinate System to control output code in any
orientation you like using any combination of XYZ and rotations you like.
All without needing a traditional coordinate feature. More importantly as
you create toolpath operations they each can use the base WCS from the
setup OR have thier own Tool Axis Vector to control 5 axis rotary motion.
It's actually quite simple and I've not seen any limitation since actually
using Fusion 360 CAM other than full 5 Axis simulaneous tool paths are not
yet implemented. 🙂
Hope this helps eliminate confusion.
Randy Kopf

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