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Use stock from previous operation in new setup

Use stock from previous operation in new setup

 In CAM, I should have the option of using the remaining stock from the previous operation as I create subsequent operations. This way I define the stock on my first operation, and I can see the real progression of my part as I create all my setups.


I've tried that but you can't move an .stl around to position it correctly as you can with a body as far as I can tell.


The best work around I have found so far that seems to work is this.

1. Simulate and then save stock as stl. Save it to an easy location like C:\stock.stl

2. Create your next setup normally without selecting the stl as your stock but creating the same stock as previous setup.

3. On the operation you want to take account of the stock already machined, enable Rest machining>From file and type the location of the stock, C:\stock.stl in our example.


Now the operation will take into account any stock missing and won't try to machine that.

You don't need to move it around. Import mesh and set to mm as default
units. It will be exactly positioned. I do this every day multiple times on
multiple jobs.
Yes exactly, the mm thing bugs me but it is what it is. It would be nice to
have stock models like most every software there is however. The stl was
the practice 10 years ago in other cam software. The use file would be alot
better if you could just browse and select the file, not copy and paste.
Not applicable
Its been years that Autodesk Fusion team has not prioritized this feature.
Unfortunately, I think this shows that they are sandbagging fusion. If
they add features improving the manufacturing capabilities of the software
then they will have a harder time selling their more expensive cam

The reason I need to move the .stl around is to position it on different fixtures in different orientations for the subsequent setups. The .stl is extremely tedious, almost impossible, to move around to position accurately.


Seems to me it should just be a check box option in each setup called something like "use previous setup simulation as current stock." This would then create a stock body from the previous setup simulation that you could move around and position in different orientations or on different fixtures like you would a body.


I don't know why but this seems like a basic feature for CAM.

Community Manager
Status changed to: オートデスク審査落選
Community Manager
Status changed to: オートデスク審査落選



It goes without saying that the stock model should auto update geometry when the previous setup operations change.



Not applicable

Any changes looking to be made? I last posted in 2017 and this seems to be still on the back burner. I am still using another program that make this process easy.  Still looks like people are using a work around to complete this step still and don't have a good solution.  See issues with the mesh not being a simple design and having issues with follow up machining.

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