There is still a need for 3d > 2d unfolding to create flat patterns. I have tried to create a low polygon model in Fusion 360, export it as .obj, import it into Mesh Mixer, and "unwrap" to create patterns. The workflow and results are a nightmare! The Mesh Mixer UI is clunky -- I would much prefer to remain within the Fusion 360 workspace where I can easily view, move, and transform objects. I realize that unfolding high-polygon objects or flexible materials such as steel have numerous issues. This is not what I am talking about. What I want is the ability to translate a low polygon model with well-defined, flat, rigid faces into a perfectly flat pattern with negligible material dimension (i.e., paper) - like a .pdf or .dxf file that contains two things only: cut lines and fold lines. I don't necessarily care about the location of the cut lines (versus fold lines), although it would be great to be able to specify my cut lines using the "crease" tool in Fusion 360.
SketchUp has a passable unfolding extension, but I would prefer to stay within the AutoCad world of products. Help!