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Suppressing construction lines.

Suppressing construction lines.

I would like to be able to turn construction lines on and off in a drawing. 


Hi Josh,


This seems like a pretty simple request that I would like to see added in as well.  Let's see if more people vote for this, and I will start circulating with the internal team!  Keep the feedback coming, especially for previews like Drawings.


Adding the ability to disable the visibility of construction lines is likely simple enhancement, but I'm concerned that having constraints/dimensions to invisible sketch objects could be confusing.  I expect there would be a number of scenarios where a sketch would solve unpredictably or a dimension/constraint could not be applied because visible sketch objects are constrained to invisible construction objects.


Can you offer a bit more insight on why you'd like to turn off construction lines?  Would you like to reduce visual clutter, or are are you more interested in stopping sketch tools from inferencing/selecting construction lines?




Status changed to: 実装済み
Not applicable

I use construction lines as reference geometry. I'd like to stop seeing them so I can get an idea of what I'm making looks like without a bunch of reference lines everywhere. It's a pretty common feature in other programs to have construction lines on a separate layer that can be turned on and off. To omit that "enhancement" because it might get confusing is a little insulting to your users.


Of course it doesn't really matter to me any more as I can't use the new update with my OS, but maybe I'll be back some day...

Status changed to: オートデスク今後検討

No insult intended, Josh.  I just wanted to be as transparent as possible, and to open up the conversation a bit to be sure that we're addressing your concerns.  Thanks for your response.  I've logged FUS-14956 to provide the ability to hide construction lines.  FYI - we also have two related tasks in the backlog to provide the ability to hide sketch dimensions (FUS-14954) and sketch constraints (FUS-1672).



Status changed to: オートデスク審査落選
Not applicable

+1 in requesting this feature. would reduce visual clutter and help to avoid the problem of snapping to them accidentally. 


I'm doing laser cutting and am currently exporting my DXF, import to ACAD, Save as R12, then I can open and cut on the Metabeam.


I have dozens of construction lines to place cuts and holes the middle of my pieces, and to easily switch from design mode (parts spaced far apart) and cut mode (parts spaced close together).  but when my parts move, the construction lines don't move with the part and sometimes they land on top of my parts and create unwanted cut lines, so I'm often moving the construction lines around to get them off the part.  This operation is slow in Fusion, and ultimately I lose track of which construction line goes to which part.  


I did try putting all construction lines in another sketch, which worked well for a few lines, but when trying to create coincedent constraints I keep running into constraint objections that I don't agree with, and these are difficult to debug.  At some point I'll repro that and log a defect.


Meanwhile, hiding construction lines with a toggle seems like a very simple enhancement.





It's really frustrating not being able to hide construction lines! A separate drawing for construction lines is not always a good solution or practicable.

Selecting lines that are co-linear, or circles that are coincident with construction, especially when using the snip tool drives me mad! It really hits productivity.

Something as simple as holding a control key to ensure that construction lines are not selected would be a step in the right direction.

I would see the show/hide working as follows

  • Show solid and construction lines (default behaviour)
  • Show only solid lines
  • show only construction lines

This could be toggled on a single button or button combination (ctrl+shift+C).

As mentioned elsewhere one would anticipate that this would be trivial to provide this functionality since it must be obvious from the object metadata that it's set to be a construction line.

Best wishes



Edit: regarding haughec's comments. I would want the lines to be invisible, not disabled (so still acting upon the drawing), with the default upon entering a sketch being visible (see above). It may be that the user could have a personal setting whereby "invisible" could be invisible or light grey etc.?



I agree. Seems simple enough to implement.

Two major reasons I would use it:

1. To see what the sketch / shape actually looks like without the clutter if construction lines.

2. When a construction line and non-construction line (or curve) overlap, I can't get at the "other" one (defined first, presumably, since it's "under" the later line).


I was actually surprised when I couldn't find the toggle (hence came looking here).

Even more surprised this was brought up, and accepted years ago, and still not present.


There are checkboxes to show constraint, points, but not construction!? Really, that should be so simple to implement.

(or have I just completely missed it?)

Not applicable

Same issue. Laser cutting and I have tons of construction lines I have to go back and delete one by one in order to cut my parts correctly. Would LOVE this feature.


One use case is trying to close off a profile can be really hard to find the holes. if there are two construction lines overlapping it looks like a solid line, see below.







really guys - little work, big win!

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