When going into Edit Sketch mode, these enhancements would be useful:
• Display absolute dimensions and relative dimensions of displacement (vertices, edges or whole object) as the displacement occurs.
• Allow users to define the displacement modification by typing the values, in either absolute or relative units.
• Make use of the Shift and Alt/Option keys to force orthogonal movements with some degree of flexibiity.
• When moving a vertex, display the cartesian (vertical and horizontal) offset from its near neighbours (on the same object) by showing construction lines with relative values.
• Let the user be able to change an edge into an arc and an arc into an edge.
• Let users modify already drawn arcs by typing the radius and cartesian (vertical and horizontal) offsets.
• Display geometric reference information when moving edges and vertices: The relationship of the moved item to nearby vretices and edges — midpoints, alignment, etc.