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I was having a really hard time doing a type of precision modeling without Object Snap, I honestly think this should be on top of the todo list. Object Snap should work in all 3 workspace. Below is a list of the ones I'm used to having:
I'm a newb to Fusion 360 and currently do all my work in Rhino, but is there a way to get an "O-Snap" like feature if it doesn't already exist? What I like about it most is that I can quickly and easily select whether I want an end, near, point, mid, etc. This speeds up my workflow in Rhino dramatically. Right now how I am currently working with Fusion, it seems a bit clunky and time consuming. This might also be because I'm still getting used navigating. Any thoughts?
We are currently reviewing all the requirements for snapping, moving and alignment based on input from users. I certainly understand the need for point to point snapping. We do provide some of that type of snapping with the Align command but because the specific from and to points are implied with the selection and not specified like Object Snap it can be confusing. We also need a richer set of snapping targets to ensure all snapping points can be handled These would include midpoints, grid intersections, points on line and edges. I will share our design as it progresses. For the short term you may want to check out the Align command which is quite powerful but unlike what you are used to with O-Snap. I have attached a small video to demonstrate. Keep in mind that there is no explicit body or component selection. The alignment happens based on the selection of geometry. Move the first selection to the second selection. The snapping points are implied based on the geometry. It can be quite fast but the implied snapping points may not be obvious. We are working on this now so thanks for sharing your concern.
I think snapping (and in combination also relative/absolute) positioning should be more actively discussed and developed. I can only second Claas in saying that this is crucial.
Can this functionality be part of the 2016 Roadmap, please? (it's nothing more than implementing the ideas as first described in the expired Ashlar patents, which once have been acquired by Autodesk).
As I use a lot of 2D sketching and I can say, the snap functionality is really needed.
I know a lot of lines are creating in sketching and one therefore has a lot of points to snap to, but I would like to be able to create a line from a specific point (quadrant, mid, tangent etc.) to another specific point. This feature is used a lot in AutoCad and is either working as a permanent snap where the user toggle between Object Snap options like quadrant, mid and intersections or the user starts a drawing command (line, circle etc.) and then right click to choose a specific snap option as the ones mentioned above.
Both of them are really useful and I would like for them both to be integrated, though the right click might have to be working in a different way because of the new right click menu in Fusion.
HOW could this STILL not be implemented??? As a new user I thought it was just something I just couldn't find but the fact that it's just not there, like it is in programs such as Rhino, is absolutely ridiculous. It's confusing how such a great tool is lacking such a basic feature.