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Submitted byAnonymouson04-24-201611:13 AM
Navigation improvement
when start a pan i do not have to release the middle mouse button to start an orbit and vice versa, please make it work this way: once i hold/realease shift to switch between pan and orbit both ways without re-press the middle mouse button.
Is the issue that you don't want to hold the middle mouse button?
If you are looking for a dedicated pan and orbit controller check out 3D Connexion's Navigator. It works really well with Fusion 360 and Inventor.
I'm a Mac user and the trackpad interface isn't ideal for CAD work. I ended up buying a PC mouse with scroll wheel and middle button and it was a big improvement over Apple's Magic Mouse. I added the Navigator for the left hand and the PC mouse in my right and now I'm really happy with moving around in my models.