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Milestone markers in timeline

Milestone markers in timeline

I would like to be able to place a marker in the timeline to visually annotate a point in the history where I might have to rollback to in the future. For example, to mark the correct point to go back to before a mirror operation to capture all changes. This would be a line with an outlined pointer at the top which you can mouseover to reveal the title and description of the milestone. See mockup below..

Another idea in IdeaStation asks for the ability to add comments to operations as well as rename them:

I would argue this might be a more streamlined way of doing the same, while also providing a visual marker in the timeline for the comment/milestone.

Not applicable

I would also like to see this implemented as 'frames' allowing the user to group related steps in the timeline.  Combining related steps into named groups in the timeline, which could then be expanded or collapsed as needed, would provide a much cleaner and useful timeline.


Are you aware of timeline groups? See 'Grouping Timeline Entries' here


Grouping is cumbersome, sticking a nice big red flag icon in there or similar is much quicker and more visually intuitive than hovering over several groups which you were probably too lazy to give meaningful names....

Not applicable
Thank you for your observation. I have found that naming all of my
sketches, joints, timeline elements, etc., though tedious, has proven very

I try to group my actions. For example, adding fillets and chamfers is one
of the last things I do. On a complex geometry, this can involve many
steps. I would like to be able to label all of those steps as a group and
then be able to collapse that group in the timeline.


You can edit the name of an item in the timeline and have whatever you want in it. A tag in the timeline of a save or milestone would be handy. 

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