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last mile center of mass / moments

last mile center of mass / moments

So this is great


Capture d’écran 2016-06-10 à 08.27.45.png


.. but it's also not super useful.


For a single rigid body, it's easy enough to copy those to the clipboard, paste, and write a simple parser to import them for simulation.. but I can't imagine many people will actually do that.


For a complex system with more than a couple components and joints, it would be a lot of error-prone busy work to go through each component, re-copy, and re-import all of those, and someone would have to describe the joints / other constraints.


We don't use it but for many in robotics, it might be useful to build something like a Gazebo exporter that includes the geometry, moments, and joints.


What would be great and useful for everyone, though, would be to create a local center of mass origin / basis for each body / component.


This would put a center point at the center of mass [one that's automatically updated for each body / component in an assembly hierarchy], and the axes would be oriented to match the principle axes ( ).


With that, even someone who doesn't understand the underlying physics could easily design interesting geometries that could be spun like tops or to optimize placement of joints for perfectly balanced moving structures (like a 9-ton gate that you could move with one finger or something more practical)


If it's done in a workable way, I'd gladly put together a short tutorial to show people how to use it to do either or both of the above as a small payment and show of appreciation.


This sir is a seriously cool idea.





What's become of this?  It seems a great addition to the simulation mode.  

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