Models, wich has a lot of component, those need to be screwed together are in almost every project. It will be extremly helpful and intuitive to have a function as an "Ultimative Intuitive Screw Wizard" (U.I.S.W)
Solidworks has since years the funtcion of the Hole wizard, which I mentioned a couple of months ago, and it needs to be on Fusion 360 too. But an UISW will be amazing to. Lets say, be have a simple object, which has 4 components. This 4 components need to be screwed together with 4 screw each conection (this are 12 screws for example). The user made already each of the **** holes manually and wants not only to give the "Join" command. He/She wants also to put the "market-existent" screws of 2mm on each hole. The UISW could help here: The user opens the command and choose the screw of 2mm. Then comes the funny part: Lets put a filter on the UISW saying: "in each hole of 2mm diameter and 15 mm depth, put a 2mmx20mm screw inside it...and in each hole of 2mm and 20 mm depth, put a 2mmx25mm screw inside it....and BUM...each **** hole has a screw, which fits perfectly acording to the depth of the material, that needs to be screwed.
This will improve a lot the work process, make realistic models and conections, and visualize as a master the exploded views on the drawings from each element.