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Insert DWG into sketch WITHOUT uploading DWG into a new file first! Version 2

Insert DWG into sketch WITHOUT uploading DWG into a new file first! Version 2

I reposted this idea simply because I find the concept that cloud update first and then insert is the better idea.


It is not. It is slower and more complicated.


While it is great to be able to also upload a sketch like DWG into the cloud account I highly suggest to rethink

the idea and enable a designer to lead a DWG into a sketch like any other CAD app can do - just load it locally.


Insert DWG into sketch directly


without forcing me to  upload DWG into a new file first!


I have a similar post just a few below this one for more advanced sketch import and export. If you didn't see it yet you should throw a vote at it.



sure will do

Community Manager
Status changed to: Gathering Support

Hi Class,

We are already working on this for direct insert of DXF files. Is there a distinct worflow where you need DWG files or will DXF work for now?



As long as dxf can maintain and have curves and splines sure. Often however I get dwg as a format it us more common to send 2d data than dxf
I never had any job were dxg was used

"Is there a distinct worflow where you need DWG files or will DXF work for now?"


"As long as dxf can maintain and have curves and splines sure."



I second dwg over dxf, due to dxf's tendency to convert curves to segmented lines.

Status changed to: Gathering Support

I've looked in to this request and determined that the cloud option is the most efficient way of getting DWG in to a Fusion design.

Status changed to: Future Consideration

Thank you for your idea, this is not as simple as it may sound and I believe some background on this topic may help.  Due to the size of our DWG/DXF translator we have chosen to keep the full translators in A360, "the cloud".  We had a developer write a local DXF translator, this is the DXF insert that you see in Fusion today.  There are pro's and con's to what was done and due to the con's we have not created a local dwg.  The main reason is because we need to have the ability to pick layers, scaling, and several other factors.  We also have a need to save DXF/DWG back to previous versions, allowing our customers to have their designs manufactured by people with older software.  Once our team has agreed to a solution and work is started on this project, the idea will be changed from future consideration to accepted.




Mike Prom


Internal use FUS-16677



@promm I respect your explanation but hope you know that literally every cad app can do that rhino moi alias and what not.


plus it is so frustrating to upload a dwg and then something breaks during the convert time


so much wasted time

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