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improve loft G1 g2 results

improve loft G1 g2 results

I still think that the loft tool in some areas works great but to often results into useless surfaces:


Problem 1:


Problem 2:



This work around seems to do it:




so much extra work ...


here is alias:


sliced the front dome of and via suface blend made a G2 transition

all fits perfectly also on the sides



+10 on this. It was a huge pain for me and the best workaround I could come up with was pretty convoluted and still unsatisfactory.


Also I've never noticed before but you sound like Christoph Waltz

Not too different from what you did there but here is something that was particularly terrible that I ended up having made into a molded part because I didn't have time or a better tool to do something non-awful.




or if you really want to appreciate how cringe-worthy / horrible screwing this up is, here is what the actual part looks like




I sound like Christoper Walz hahaha thats funny.

I have to ask my students. Youtubes CC translation of my voice is holarious:




Hi Class, I still think that the problem is not the loft engine itself, maybe spline engine, but mainly as you already mentioned in your vid, initial inputs, it's like asking engine to fail. Idea to create transition between primary surfaces was good, you've execute it badly.
Here is my example:undefined

For primary surfaces I have simplest possible, revolve of an arc and extrusion. Then is just a play with with of transition and tangency weight, on each side.




I think there are many areas where the current surfacing tools can be improved to make them work more straight forward and the way

how designers are used to work with like in Alias - as far as I know that is what they will aim for next year with the advanced surfacing additions.


Based on what you wrote you we should also see a quarter sphere and an extrusion next to it via G0.

But in your case there are 3 parts. So what step did you use to make that transition?


Here is the simplest way to get it:









Sorry for fo 4 gifs, single one was to big to upload. I've switched from patch to model environment to prevent loft from doing this:undefined


In patch environment I had to create biger surfaces and then cut them after loft.


@michallach81 Ok so you do it the way how I did it in Alias and the applied that to Fusion in my second post here.



I thought you were doing something different. Interesting to see that the loft solid does not have the edge issue loft patch has.

Thats good to know. Because you have the patch issue and in your case you extend the surface a more correct way in this is

to use rails ot force the loft left and right to follow the proper edges.



In Alias this would be just done with a square tool. The problem is that Fusion loft is not delivering the same surface when

using rails because while it has rails it is not really sweeping the same way. Something that can easily confuse Rhino Alias

SolidThinking users.

Status changed to: Future Consideration

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