I have three MacBooks and a PC that I try to use Fusion on.
If I leave Fusion up on the Win 7 PC, no sleep. perhaps a dozen times, I have come back to a crashed OS. Every single time when I restart the PC and Fusion, it denotes a Fusion update has occurred. Never, ever crashed OS once when Fusion was not running in 2 years. Fusion is the only installation on this PC.
On my MacBooks, which I work on the most, updates downloading apparently corrupt the running Fusion in some fashion since operations and navigation get wonky. Please forgive the vagueness but operation becomes unpredictably screwed up. The only way I can tell is when I have to quit Fusion and restart it to see that an update has occurred. I normally have to recover my design, sometimes from a previous version. This is one of the most frustrating software glitches I have ever encountered.
The Idea is to 1) Let me know, but don't do any type of download or anything unless I accept it or I exit Fusion. 2) Allow me to return to a previous version when the upgrade breaks functionality or reliability. (NOT of the Design, of Fusion itself)
This request is essential for anyone trying to follow any kind of development schedule. I can't isolate Fusion from the internet due to the use of cloud storage, which I am a supporter of. These auto updates are the bane of my existence at times. If nothing else, allow a defer updates option so that I can prevent this horrible experience of the interactive download and not have a version change in the middle of a scheduled development.