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Fusion 360 for Chromebooks?

Fusion 360 for Chromebooks?

Is it possible to add a capability for Fusion 360 to run on chromebooks, as opposed to just Mac or PC?

Community Manager

Thanks for the request dmagriyta124, our current focus is to be Mac and PC campatible, and do not have immediate plans to have it run on Chromebooks. With that said, the future is bright and we'll be constantly tracking requests from our users and prioritize accordingly. 


@keqingsong How difficult would it be to port Fusion 360 to Chrome OS?

Community Manager

We are definetly interested in browser only versions and have even done some exciting prototypes. We learned a lot.


Even with chrome, the 3d graphics get drawn on the local computer. Chrome books are a bit underpowered but work for small parts.

We have throught about a model where you could connect to you "main" computer with another device like a tablet or chrome book and run Fusion remotely.


What kind of work would you want to do on a chromebook?


Community Manager
Status changed to: Future Consideration
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Any movement on Chromebook compatibility for Fusion 360 since 07-19-2013 09:28 AM?


Sent from my Chromebook

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what he said 


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"What kind of work would you want to do on a chromebook?"

What would be great is a simple cloud-based 2D drawing tool to introduce students to Autodesk products. I am trying to teach CAD to 4th graders on Chromebooks and would prefer to use AutoCAD, but it looks like the only viable option is LibreCAD.



I'm kind of hoping for an update on this as well. Our school is now going to a 1 to 1, and with teaching Project Lead the Way and many other classes, I think that the optimization of Fusion 360 for a Chromebook with 2D/3D Modeling, plans, CAM, etc would be amazing.


Many students want to continue using the inventor software at home, and right now, there's no great solution with the different technologies per household. But if all of my students are using a Chromebook, Fusion seems like it would be the best solution and even playing field for my students to enrich their experience.

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I would like to also express a need for CAD software available for students to use on Chromebooks.  Our school is going 1 to 1, and all students will have a chromebook.  The school budget will not allow for additional devices, and I am trying to get an Introduction to Engineering Course off the ground (students have begged me to start this!).  I'm also trying to get a 3D printer into our classroom through Donors Choose Link Here.  


PLEASE GET SOMETHING USEFUL TO CHROMEBOOKS IF POSSIBLE! Thank you for all you do for education! 

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We have just gone 1:1 with chromebooks in our school. It would be great if autodesk had cad software of some sort which worked well on this platform. I currently teach vourses using autocad inventor and revit and will need to try and do something with these courses to incorporate the chromebook and dont want to abandon my years of experience with autodesk products.
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I've only recently been introduced to the Professor who will be teaching me my first AutoCad class during my journey to become a Environmental Engineer and the current access to the best information comes from the AutoDesk but only have a chromebook to start on this joourney and would greatly appreciate any update on material that I might be able to get on my chromebook to start my studies. Thank you to all and any who respond.

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Can fusion 360 be used on chromebooks?

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For those looking for Chrome book CAD solution.  If AutoDesk won't cloud Fusion360, give OnShape CAD a try.

I am a high school Design & Engineering technology teacher and have taught everything from AutoCAD, to KeyCreator (Cadkey), to Solidworks....I am finding OnShape is currently the best solution for my students with Chromebooks.

OnShape CAD is the best professional grade online cloud CAD I have found.  It is gaining a lot of traction in schools...You will find it very similar to SolidWorks and Fusion 360 (minus the CAM package).


I hope that Autodesk is working to make a cloud version of Fusion 360 (and I hope this is incentive for them to do so), if not move to OnShape.



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Thank you Information.




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All our students have Chromebooks and they have been a real boost for our low income students; but few students have CAD drawing experience before high school.  Thus we spend a lot of in class time teaching basic CAD drawing instead of engineering skills.  Yet I find that younger students really love to use 3D drawing tools and we have 6th and 8th grade students who were taught CAD by their engineering parents that can use CAD at near or professional levels.  If we can get a good program into the lower grades it would greatly improve our engineering curriculum and level the playing field.  


Basically what is needed is a CAD light for Chromebooks: basic drawing tools.  

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My students are loving Fusion360! However it does not run on Chromebooks.
Our school has likewise been moving to 1 to 1 technology allocation of
chromebooks. This semester I tried OnShape with my first year students and
it has worked very well with is great to be able to have
students practice CAD skills outside of classroom as well as in class!

Some of my students have and are learning Fusion360 and are using it for
CNC toolpaths. They all like it very much!

I hope that Autodesk can make Fusion360 completely browser based and
chromebook friendly.
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Hi All,

Sorry if this has been already resolved, if so please direct me to the relevant thread.

Does Anyone have any updates on Fusion360 working on Chromebooks.


We are hoping to try it out on Chromebooks but it gets stuck on the connecting page/loading page.


Many thanks.

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Any updates on running 360 on chromebooks. My school is also now 1 to 1 and this would be amazing. Thanks!

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I know many high school educators would like to see an online-based CAD tool for Chromebooks. My Bay Area public high school, like many, has invested in purchasing Chromebooks for every student. We do not have a computer lab with Macs or PCs. You all do realize that by not having Chromebook-compatible software you are restricting access to authentic Engineering practices to wealthier kids whose schools have dedicated computer labs? CHROMEBOOKS ARE THE NORM IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Please support public STEAM education by making Fusion 360 compatible with Chromebooks!


For what it's worth, I'm a UC Berkeley Physics Grad with a Masters in Science/Engineering Education. I could come stop by your office on the Embarcadero sometime to discuss in person if you'd like.

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i really need chromebook browser version

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