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Submitted byAnonymouson09-22-201411:57 AM
Force a dialog box (i.e. INSPECT/MEASURE) to remain on-screen @ all times?
I'm constantly glancing @ object dimensions and I have plenty of screen real estate. I want to keep some dialog box windows open 100% of the time. Is there a way to "pin" them so they remain open @ all times?
i.e. See any/all Adobe products. Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.
This would be hugely useful when fitting T-splines to imported 3D data: I'd like to have up to three "slice" windows open for showing ortogonal cuts along with the main window. Also, the cutting plane of each section must be easily movable, by say scroll wheel. All of this could be accomplished if each such "dialog" became undockable into its own window, perhaps simplest through a tiling of the main window. My inspiration is 3D Slicer, a medical application that has also been used for astronomy and other applications.