The ability to query/search and filter the Design History timeline would be a useful addition particularly on larger projects and/or in consideration of multiple users. Some examples of what I think the benefits are to allowing the ability to query/search/filter by would be:
1. Filter by Design History Type i.e. I only want to see the changes I made involving the creation of new Sketches
2. Filter by actions undertaken within the Design History Types i.e. I am looking for a Sketch (or Sketches) where in which I drew a circle (or circles)
3. Filter for actions that have resulted in or contain an error/clash to assist in clean up
4. Query or filter any actions along the timeline that only I (or another user) made when working as part of a group
Further to this the ability to select whether these are highlighted by just ghosting all non-complying results versus removing all non-complying from view completely would be a useful extra.
The ability to export some of these queries into a text file or heirarchical image would also be nice i.e. full version history in written form with a who did it as the overlaying filter (or by what action type was undertaken). This could result in giving a full change log made by the various users to sign off on before the model is committed.
There are likely more user based scenarios so if anyone else can think of any please add to this in the comments.