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I would like the ability to rotate a drawing view. Sometimes an object is too long to view vertically on a landscape drawing. The ability to rotate the view in these instances would be useful.
@Anonymous Great feedback, thanks for posting it. I've added this item to our backlog for review of future implementation, and I agree it would be a useful feature.
Also in ISO views, my edges that have a radius are all funky looking. Like it doesn't show a radius. I know I post on problems about the software, but I do like the software and what it has to offer. Just trying to help on small things.
I needed to rotate as well. What worked for me was to get the view I wanted in the model environment and set that as home view. Then in drawings, when selecting view, I selected home view. May help you out.
This is killing me. The drawing package is the only thing holding this software back from being a flexible professional option. Please hurry! Help me Autodesk, you're my only hope.