This has been submitted before by several people, perhaps this time it can get some traction.
the selection of various threads available in the hole and thread options are pretty good, most of the time. but I am more and more finding myself needing to make non standard threads, which I can break out the machinists handbook, draw my cutting tool, and then fight with fusion trying to use triangular coils, or a helical surface to guide my cutting profile, and sometimes it works--though generally it breaks the thread cut into several sections and I have no idea why-- other times I have to spend 30 min to an hour making small tweaks until like magic it works.
I wish I could just choose a standard Metric ISO, provide the major diameter, the pitch, and how many starts, as several of my parts are multi start threads, and let fusion do this work for me. I know this can be done since in the past posts people have discussed modifying a file to alter the available threads, so why not add a supported guy portal to add additional needed threads?
Also since there seems to be meta data about the threads having an easy thread dimension tool to use in drawings rather than making notes that do not update when changes are made to the model would be nice and save many users from a frustrating oops moment.