I don't know anyone who has this actually, but it seems like it should be possible with going back and forth between parametric and direct modeling. Parametric to build the part and direct modeling to change individual features according to tolerance without affecting the rest of the model.
I would like to be able to add tolerances to different features/positions and have them added to a popout menu with slideres. The sliders would correspond to the tolerance range and nominal dimension. Here's where the direct modeling would come in. Without changing other features (unless they are tied together in the case of a tolerance stackup) I would like to change the specific feature to check on things like hole alignment or interferance.
Example with holes and pegs.
Slide the dimension of the hole to smallest possible and peg to largest. Visually show interferance. (easy one)
Slide location tolerance of hole 1 to minimum. Hole 2 does not reference 1 and so stays in place. Hole 3 does reference 1 and so moves with it. Item with the three pegs trys to realign with item with the three holes. Pass/fail with visual.
Anyone have thoughts on this?