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Create an API for Drawings

Create an API for Drawings

I, along with probably quite a few other people, would absolutely love an API for Drawings. A lot of drawing stuff is tedious and would benefit a lot from scripting. For example, I have an enclosure that gets drilled by an external vendor. They require coordinates for each hole along with the diameter, placed close to each hole. This lends itself well to a simple script that would collect all of the holes and create coordinates based on a set origin. This is a relatively simple example, but it's tedious work that really is best suited for automation.

1 Comment

I agree with you. I'm building and add-in for gear generation and as an update for the 2nd release would like to impliment proper drawing creation for the created gearset according to the AGMA and machinist standards. So far Fusion API doesn't allow that and I hope the Fusion team will make it possible as it is an essential tool to automating design and production of product.

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