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Copy multiple

Copy multiple

The Copy/Move tool gives us a great way for quickly copying components, bodies and more. Unfortunately it get a bit tedious when we want more than 2 of the same items as we would repeat at least 4-clicks every time. (Best case scenario! This could easily be more than 7 when using pivot points!) Note that I’m talking about multiple instances that cannot be aligned in a pattern.

I would like the Copy/Move tool to have an Apply -button. After pressing the Apply the component will get copied to the new location but it will not close the tool, nor will the tool loose the Selection, Move Type and Pivot point that is set up. Then; if a user finished copying he or she could press Cancel to close the tool and prevent any unfinished copies.


Please let me know what you think and feel free to add any suggestion!


Thanks to KHilby41 for the initial idea. The idea above is a different solution to the same problem. 

Not applicable

Offering up some support for this.  I'd love a 'multiple copies' button next to the 'create copy' in the below screenshot.  I know this can be done in the pattern feature, but this seems to be a more expedient way for me to move stuff around while creating machining setups.




I could not agree more.  Coming from Inventor, this is a serious frustration an extra bunch of clicks every time you want to insert a bunch of screws or copy something to multiple locations..  Looking at the UI the "Target Point" looks like it could accept multiple clicks.  When I first started using Fusion I thought I was doing something wrong.

  There must be a reason this is not implemented as it seems like such a no brainer. 

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