This has been brought up before and even tagged as 'Solution Provided', but it wasn't solved.This is CAM operations over project boundaries. I just tried this ( C&P a cam operation ) between two projects; [amazingly] you can't do it! I think this would be productivity boost and gets used *alot*.
The template concept is great, but what if you have more than one part with similar feature details setup in the project tabs - and - you don't really want to create templates because:
1) you don't want to clutter up your template space with a lot very detailed operations that are specific to one parts group.
2) it's just simply faster to copy and paste .. ctrlC, ctrlV, boom, done!
On the implemtation side, it seems a good case for (fusions's code) re-use. The same code, object, whatever, that packs up the template info and ships it off to a file, just emplys a different transport, ie, routes it to the clipboard.
The 'phase 2' idea would be drag and drop CAM ops: drag it off the browser tree in the current CAM session, drop it on a project tab at the top.