First of all, thx for access to a great piece of software for free as a hobby user.
I've been learning the ropes for couple of days and have to share feelings regarding constraints and referencing to objects/components. It's neither intuitive nor fast (workflow wise), or even existing in some instances. I can't, for the love of me, understand why referencing points from other components (than the one being edited at the moment) is not possible. Than again, if it's possible it's sufficiently counter intuitive to be missed after three hours of learning to sketch and extrude.
Please don't get me wrong but I seriously suggest that you experience constraints and referencing in SketchUp. I could go into details about the interface consistency, about intuitiveness of constraints, snaps and referencing (on the other hand being somewhat limited in SketchUp) etc but the easiest way would be to experience it first hand. (Why is it not possible to lock a constraint axis for example, or combine constraints with a modifier key?
I am aware that coming from one way of doing thing can and will influence how you perceive other ways, and I have been slapping my self on the wrists not to jump to conclusions but after 20-some hours of rudimentary sketching and extruding with constraints, referencing other objects/components and snapping in Fusion 360 I'm pretty sure there's room for improvement.
Thank you once again for the opportunity of using Fusion (potential of which being the reason why I'm switching at all - it's a wonderful collection of capabilities in one app)!