The more we use parameters to drive our design work in F360, the more we wish for conditional logic. There aren't many workarounds to having conditional statements in parameters.
I'd love to be able to set parameters like:
HoleWidth= 24 in
Width = 60 in
MinHoles = 2
HoleCount = if(Width / HoleWidth <2 then 2 else Width / HoleWidth)
Another desire with rectangular patterns:
We define the length, width, hole size, and spacing for a pattern of holes in a flat 2D design. We can quickly change the length and width and keep those patterned holes centered, BUT we can't have the
Won't accept a unit based reference
pattern fill the space as it changes size. We have to change the actual quantity of the X and Y repetition in the pattern because the parameter system won't allow a unit-based reference to calculate in a No Unit field.
Confounding this, you can't use a parameter that has a unit in the Quantity field of a Pattern. 🤦:male_sign: This seems like an easy fix - just allow that parameter in the quantity field and forget that it has units.
holeCount has units
Conditional logic is fairly elementary in scripting and would be a huge boon to the capabilities for parametric design software like Fusion 360.
Inventor and Revit have If Then Else, can we port that over, pretty please?