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Lots of kudos but no comments from anyone yet. This is a needed option for fillets. I use it all the time in other applications, so it is definitely missed.
This is in our backlog, but it hasn't been near the top of the list. Seeing the support here on the Idea Station, we can try to escalate this issue. I'll look into this one.
In another thread someone from Autodesk noted G2 Fillets (at that time not implemented) and chordal fillets as top on their list for fillet enhancements…
Thanks for adding the chordal filet to the July release! I love that you automatically multiply the non-chordal value by the square root of 2 to do the conversion! Add this to Alias, please - nice detail.
We added this in the July release, so marking this as Implemented. Let us know if anyone encounters any issues with this.
@maruska - glad you like it! Little secret: we actually use the surface normals to make the conversion a bit more accurate 🙂 (root 2 only worked correctly for 90 degree corners)