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Change Inputs With Tab Key

Change Inputs With Tab Key

When using tools where multiple selections are required it would more efficient to change inputs with the tab key instead of clicking on the next input box.

For instance the Mirror tool requires Objects to be mirrored and a Mirror Line. the Objects input is selected by default, but to switch to the Mirror Line input you must select it with the mouse. Using the tab key would speed up the process.




I believe this idea has been brought up in several instances but I will again support it here.  I find it crazy that this hasn't yet been implemented.  Be sure to search for the others to lend your support on those as well.

Not applicable

Agreed. Make it so F2 is rename while you're at it, in line with almost all Windows apps.

Not applicable

Absolutely, this would increase productivity significantly, also agreed with F2.


Another yes here. I transitioned from SolidWorks to Fusion and got very used to the tab key in dialog boxes.

Not applicable

Совершенно непонятно отсутствие возможности переключения текстовых форм с помощью клавиши tab, это стандартная логика работы для абсолютно всех приложений


Yes, Please!

Not applicable

I think the problem is that TAB is already in use to jump between input boxes that are on the work surface. For example when you draw a rectangle it has two input boxes - height and width. By hitting TAB you can jump between them. Without this function you couldn't jump between them as they move with the mouse. Maybe a combination could be used like CTRL + TAB or something similar.

Not applicable

Duplicate of


It is absurd that Autodesk persistently chooses not to schedule making these improvements when they each save hours a year for *every single* Fusion user. I don't care if this is bound to tab, or Mouse4 or ctrl-tab, just please implement it.


I agree with all my Fusioners here.  This has been requested many times starting 4 YEARS AGO!!!
Ctrl+Tab is currently in use to change between open windows/files/workspaces (whatever they're called) like in most other programs.  but my dear Autodesk coders, that does not matter.

GIve me some way to get back to the dialog box and walk thru the options.

Shift +Spacebar to take me back to the dialog box and then tab thru things.


and while you're at it, add some way to assign number pad (or other key) to select certain views.  Somehow 3dConnexion mouse has these buttons and they work.  

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