In the Classic UI, workflow history had its own side panel, which stayed visible until you closed it, and with the click of a button you could bring up a re-sizeable popup frame with the entire history, with sortable/re-sizeable columns, with user comments. The history is the only place comments are visible (they are not in the Change Log, unfortunately). In Modern UI, history is a little popup that looks like a chat window in Facebook. It can't be resized, so if your comments are more than a dozen words, it becomes a tall skinny paragraph, difficult to read, and you have to constantly scroll to see previous comments. You can’t read the entire comment without scrolling, much less review other comments. Once you change focus, the popup goes away.
Please bring back the old functionality that was available in the Classic UI. We refer to this history often and it is extremely cumbersome with the limitations of the Modern UI, to the point of not being useful at all when reviewer comments are detailed, which is often the case. It seems there are, disappointingly, a number of functionality losses when using the Modern UI, and unfortunately, switching to Classic UI is not an option for our company. Thank you.