I just started to use Fusion 360 and it seems a powerfull tool to make some 3D models that in my case i would use to print the objects constucted on my 3D printer.
Now, im a programmer engineer and not a mechanical engineer and even though i can draw what i would like to construct on paper i am a novice when it comes to these kinds of mechanical 3D drawing softwares.
The only tool i used before is the 123D software from Autocad witch is a more simple type of software and doesnt offer the vast options that fusion 360 does.
So, when starting to use this program i first looked at the tutorials.
My post is going to be about improvements in the tutorials where users who had experience in other similar softwares have no issues but beeing a beginner from start i found several points of improvement or points where i got stuck even in the current tutorial videos.
I basicly goning to to point out the difficulties i had to replicate the object in the tutiorial video so maybe you can add some small changes to make the more novice users not fall into the difficulties i had.
In the first tutorial video "scetch" we make a piece that is almost looking like an L but with 45 degree angle.
The video is good and informative but first problem i encontered was with the orientation of the scetch.
The video says in this case we choose a plane to work on, we choose the x-Y plane.
No indicators are shown when trying to choose this and i simply had to try different options before i found out what was the X-Y plane.
It would have been nice to have a small X, Y, Z on the plane arrows or "fields".
I had rotated my workspace around before starting to i had absolutely no idea where x,y and z was.
Next, a small thing i would like point out is when you start a scetch the grid is not the same as in the tutorial video and making the piece is somewhat hard as it turs out to be like 20mm long total and when coming to the dimension part it just get totaly wrong if you dont change grid or zoom out and get a similar dimension as in the video.
Next thing who made me confused a while was the Round the korners or fillet command.
I found the fillet command under the modify meny and it refused to show a preview of the rounded angle. If i had been listening carefully the video said the fillet command under the SCETCH menu witch of cause did do what is should do. i didnt realize there where fillet commands under several menus and struggeled a while why it didnt work as shown in the video.
Last thing who made me struggle was when the 2D desing was finished and was going to be transformed into a 3d design by the Press Pull command.
I tried it and the video says simply drag it with the on screen manipulator command or simply imput a number.
The on screen manipulator command i have no clue how to do and i tried to imput a distane number in the imput box instead.
But nothing happened.
After a while when i by mistake rotated the design in 3D i saw it had actually worked but it wasent visible because i looked at the design from a top angle and didnt see the depth that had been created.
This is just some info on how the tutorial videos can be made little more easy on the absolute beginners who hasnt have any experience with drawing parts before, especially in 3D.
To the users who had prior experience these probably seem trivial things but not to the absolute beginner.
Maybee you can use my input in future beginner tutorial videos.
By the way, the videos are great and the Fusion 360 seems a very capable and good program.
Im sure i will use it to make nice parts in the future.
Thank you