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Back arrow to go one step Back

Back arrow to go one step Back

Hi folk,


After a couple of years using Fusion 360 I know how the UI works, and I find it quite intuitive in many aspects, but there are other which still annoys me. One of them is the back arrow on the Data Panel:


After openning a projects and drive into the folders and projects, the procedure to go one step backwards is to click on the Path Toolbar to select one or as many steps backwards as needed. Problem is that the upper left arrow (which sends directly to the main Data panel) is bigger and more prominent, and almost allways, me and my collegues click there almost subconsciously trying to jump just one step backwards....what a terrible mistake.


After all this years and jumping right into the same error again and again (and not just me only, but many collegues as well) I suppose that there isn't something wrong in our thinking process, but something on the User Interface.


I will recommend you guys to or


1. Redesign the icons and locationof them, making the path toolbar different and more easy to use (as I requested in a previous post. See it here: )


2. Reassign that "big arrow" on the left-upper corner to jump just one step backwards and add something like a "Home" icon to jump directly to the main Data Panel direction



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