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Apply one command to multiple inputs in DM (patch many at once)

Apply one command to multiple inputs in DM (patch many at once)

It would be great in case Fusion allows me to select closed planar curves/edges and patch them all at once.


I have here only 6 objects and need to apply patch 12 times. In other layers I have more and the click time is very labor consuming.



Status changed to: オートデスク今後検討
This is definitely needed. Any conversion of a T-Spline that is not closed could benefit from group selecting multiple boundaries as well. It might be worthwhile considering consolidating this with an option to stitch as well.

But just in general Fusion is slow as a snail when I compare how I can work in Rhino.


Rhino really does not care if I select one or two or more objects and perform an action on it.

It just works it of.


In Fusion DM it does not. In the Time Line it might make sense to have single feature callout when desired

but it could be nice to have also multiple feature (all the same of course) grouped inside one feature node entry.



Here for example a screencast from Rhino:


you can see how quickly I did the work and how many mor emouse clicks this would require in Fusion.

Status changed to: オートデスク審査落選
We will develop an updated design and also evaluate including stitching as an optional part of the command.
Status changed to: RUG-jp審査通過

Since this idea was created our priorities have changed.  We have higher prioritized sculpt and patch items in our backlog.  While this is a good idea, it is getting changed to archived due to the amount of time it will be before we get to it.




Mike Prom


@promm This is unfortunate because this tasks is killing the speed in Fusion.

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