Currently when using Extrude, you only have the options of: Distance, To Object, and All. I'm a SolidWorks user, and they have a lot of additional extents that would be really helpful (especially when cutting, which I probably do more than add really). I would also do this with the Hole function.
Here's all that SW has:
I would suggest adding these two to start (and recommend adding all that SW has as I've used them all at various times):
1. To Surface: Select a surface, and the extrude goes to that surface. Could be somewhat smart to add/cut depending on where the selected surface is, but would still need a selector for add/cut.
2. To Next: Would go through a body to say a hole and stop. This is one of the most common ones I use when doing holes. On the drawing, it gets dimensioned as "Thru", where using the All above would be dimensioned as "Thru All"