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Latest Updates | New Knowledge Network Articles | AutoCAD Civil 3D


Question: Where can I find a list of the latest Autodesk Knowledge Network support solutions that were created and/or updated for AutoCAD Civil 3D?



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2016 Solutions

Matt DiMichele
Autodesk Product Blogs | @ADSKCommunity Twitter

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Please Accept As Solution if this resolves your issue, to help others benefit and locate it.
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Accepted solution

December 2017

Champher Cleanup in curves
Earthworks solution disappears once earthworks is calculated for a second surface
Sort Civil 3D Volumes Dashboard
Civil 3D: Won’t retain settings, command line slow, cursor jerky
Unable to set a pressure pipes network catalog in Civil 3D


November 2017

Accessing SDF file from multiple machines causes performance issues
Add and modify lists for property sets
AutoCAD Civil 3D: Pipe structures not displaying in 3D view
Can’t set pressure network catalog
Civil 3D 2017 crashes after install of service pack 1.1
Civil 3D 2017 crashes right after opening
Civil 3D 2017: Where is the Shared Reference Point Tool for 2017
Civil 3D Alignment Curves Displays incorrectly (backwards)
Civil 3D files taking to longer to open in Vault
Civil 3D started crashing on one machine
Civil 3D surface is created with the wrong elevation
Civil 3D: Distance and angle checks are off with multiple points
Civil 3D: Elevations Table show strange characters
Civil 3D: exporting 2018 drawing crashes
Civil 3D: Geolocation maps don’t work in 2018 but work in 2017 version
Civil 3D: Importing survey points into drawing with geolocation places points away
Civil 3D: Long load times on drawings when inserting layouts with Design Center
Civil 3D: Section editor is corrupt
Civil 3D: Software not maintaining system profile
Civil 3D: Tool Palettes disappear after restart
Civil 3D: When using PAN, software hangs up and stutters
Civil 3D:Points listed in the drawing but the coordinates are wrong
DaylightBench subassembly doesn’t target surface
ECW file will not load into 2018 or 2016 Civil 3D, Raster Design or Map 3D
Geometry in Civil 3D is displayed offset
How to configure WMS via FDO in AutoCAD Map 3D/Civil 3D
Hydraflow Express 2014 printing the Channel section on a different page from the section grids
Plot Command Freezes Only In Layout Tabs in Civil 3D
Running AutoCAD or C3D 2018 you get the error “The Version of this file is not compatible with the v...
Section views based on ANZ template stacked on top of each other
Surface data lost between feature lines on a rebuild of the surface in Civil 3D
Text Component Editor hard coding font
Typing in one tab/drawing suddenly jumps to second tab/drawing in Civil 3D
When importing a DEM file into Civil 3D, the program stops working
Where to find Country Kits for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018


October 2017

Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D: This drawing contains content created with Microsoft Visual Basic for app...
Civil 3D 2016: Some equations in Traverse Editor do not work properly
Civil 3D: Cannot use/edit a drawing I sent to client unless they upgrade to new version
Civil 3D: How do I create points along contours/polylines
Fille crashes at open in Civil 3D
Hydraflow Extensions for Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D
Import Style and Settings does not import Pipe Network Parts List
Issue with shapes not showing up in a pipe catalog in Civil 3D
Lines with same linetype are displayed different
Link Power State and Intel Rapid Storage Technology with AutoCAD and verticals
Missing palettes after install of AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018.1 Update
Pipe missing in section view
Storm and Sanitary Analysis unable to open with error “Out of Storage”
XREF’s becomes invisible or disappearing upon save
Horizontal grid lines in section view are incorrect
How to export Civil 3D surface as a shape file?
No data for User Defined Properties tab for Parcel properties in Civil 3D 2018
Aeccpressurepipe.arx fatal error at start up of Civil 3D
Civil 3D 2017 Countries Kits added to network deployment are not being installed
How to export Civil3D surface to IGES
Stationing (distance of tick) on Offset Alignment with spiral curve inaccurate


September 2017

WCS jumps when zooming
Get minimal difference between profiles
Can’t change arrow head style in the French Version of Civil 3D
Civil 3D Cannot set UNC Path - Only browse by folder
Civil 3D: don’t get network parts choices to select from
Civil 3D: Importing XML file shows error: “Not an XML File”
Civil 3D: Labels disappear from referenced drawing
Civil 3D: Geomap disappears when zooming in
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018 custom search paths missing
AutoCAD is loaded instead of Civil 3D
Exception in ARX command unhandled exception C0000005
A draped image in Civil 3D looks blurred and has poor quality in the model view
Cannot connect to FEMA Mapping info through WMS
Creating a grading in Civil 3D starts but never finishes
Creating surfaces from AutoCAD points
How to import Sketch Up Files as Solids to Civil 3D
Install River Analysis - Unable to access network location
Unwanted Traverse Adjustment in Civil 3D When Bringing In Multiple Fieldbooks
Pressure pipe networks can’t include multiple materials
Structures are missing in 3D view
The installation of the Country Kit for Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D asks to insert the disk
Export Civil 3D Table to CSV format
Creating an alignment involing all survey points in group in Civil 3D
Fatal error when trying to deploy civil 3D on windows server 2012 environment by group policy
Civil 3D crashes when feature lines are joined
AutoCAD Civil 3D crashes on launch
Autodesk Subassembly Composer to install on Tablet PC

August 2017

3D solid to IFC export creates geometry errors
Civil 3D: Migrate Survey Database fails
Corridor assembly appears out of place in section
Civil 3D crashing after reset of pipe catalog path
Corridor elevation doesn’t follow profile
Data band numbers are controlled by one band
Pipeline losing surface reference after synchronisation
Raster images appear darker where overlapping when plotting to PDF
Survey database: Adjust and check for residual
Creating an alignment from polyline results is tangent errors for the alignment
File will not open in Civil 3D
Wrong station labels when using Station Index Increments
Recap File will not import into civil 3D properly
AutoCAD 2018.1 Update does not update the ribbon in Civil 3D
Create Vehicle Tracking folders for Civil 3D without even have Vehicle Tracking installed
Cross sections do not center
Duplicate labels for “Pave” link
Importing a page layout causes crash when running Civil 3D as AutoCAD in 2017
Civil 3D: Table Scales not matching viewport layout
Civil 3D: Alignment labels don’t show
Multiple errors when importing FBK file
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 crashes after right mouse click on Tool Palette
Civil 3D does not add the points when adding the feature lines as break lines
Civil 3D shuts down during launch
Geotechnical Module: AGS file does not show all data
Grip issue with editing polylines and arcs in Map and Civil 2018
Bottom surface with the Geotechnical Module not created or disappears
A software problem has caused AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 to close unexpectedly
AutoCAD 2018.1 Update does not update the ribbon in AutoCAD verticals
Civil 3D labels don’t follow cursor when being grip edited
Civil 3d:improve the performance of importing point file
Ghosted Civil 3D Sites
Opening a specific drawing in AutoCAD Civil 3D causes fatal error
Plan Production tools do not show identical length in plan and prfile
Storm and Sanitary Analysis generates Access violation error


July 2017

Widening is edgy
How to create thematic Map based on dedicated values
FARO LS error during Civil 3D 2018 installation
Add new bounding shape part and add new bound block part
Use of CreateBestFitAlignment
Where can I find out more about BIM for infrastructures?
Wrong scale of Image using MAPIINSERT or attach via XREF
Slope Stake report from Multiple baselines
SSA Error Message 211
Section Views are placed on top of each other
Performance lag when selecting cogo points via prospector
How to scale a surface in Civil 3D vertically
Grading slope pattern not visible
Export Civil 3D subassembly to LandXML
Edit in Storm and Sanitary Analysis opens with blank data
Elevations changed in InfraWorks after imported from CIVIL 3D file
Cursor blinks or alternates from Windows circle to the cursor
Data Shortcut Editor does not support Corridors introduced in Civil 3D 2017
Corridor assembly and corridor surface do not match in section
Certain style components don’t take layer object is on in Civil 3D
Civil 3D 2017 specifically crashes on startup
Civil 3D 2017 startup crash but AutoCAD 2017 working fine
Civil 3D crashes every time user clicks on the folder to open the windows explorer dialogue
Civil 3D: Exchange APP Manager is not running
Civil 3D: Map dialog boxes are missing
Civil 3D: Missing material in Pipe Pressure Network for Water Part List
Civil 3D: Viewport freezing AEC objects displays correct, but then plots with them unfrozen
Alignment displays as broken line with offset in Civil 3D


June 2017

CREATESURFACEFROMPOINTCLOUD not recognizing point cloud data
Compatibility between InfraWorks and AutoCAD Civil 3D
Storm and Sanitary Analysis - Weir rating curve not starting at zero
Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018 Productivity Tools
Civil 3D country kit release
Civil 3D file size variations
Civil 3D: Convert positive elevations to negative elevations
Feature Line Split Point Resolution - site hierarchy not being followed in Civil 3D
How to merge different pressure pipe networks
Civil 3D and A360 newer version issue
ERROR 313: Cannot open scratch rainfall interface file.
Export to prior version from C3D 2018
Geotechnical Module borehole database does not update correctly after the input CSV file is edited
Infraworks: the limitation when importing civil 3d alignments, profiles to Infraworks
Missing feature lines in corridor
WFS FDO connection has inverted coordinates in AutoCAD Map 3D
Opening drawings with SHX, SHP and DBF files
Elevation of projected objects
Expression does not work on all labels
Subassembly misses faces
Automatic clear bowties fails on some corners
Civil 3D Point File format compatibility
Civil 3D: “Error: Unable to run the subassembly script” when using PKT file imported from 2017 v1 en...
Civil 3D: Crossing pipe shows as single ellipse in structure
Civil 3D: Geotechnical Module creates boreholes but they do not show in profile view
Civil 3D: Import Style and Settings not importing all
Civil 3D: Pipe Network Structure Not Displaying Properly in Profile
Civil 3D: Two profile views with same profile style show differently
Data referenced pipe network loses style
General Legal Description for Parcel report generates error message
How to get a direction arrow in a curved label using Civil 3D
Issues when trying to export a surface to a DEM in Civil 3D
Join between Excel and SDF show NULL values in result table
LiDAR classification style not working
Objects on a layer set to non-plot are still printed
TIF image is blurry in Civil 3D
Tin surface cannot be edited: error opening tin surface
Troubleshooting tip: Slow opening of AutoCAD drawings
Cannot add Pressure Parts by Joint Type or Pressure Class
In Civil 3D, how to make the multiple curve command work with arcs
Surface editing problem in Civil 3D 2017


May 2017

Autodesk Civil Engineering Data Translator
Deploying Civil 3D with a country kit
Geotechnical Module remove borehole
How can Point Marker Style change scales automatically
Grading with corner instead of radius
Snapping on Cogo point while hovering over the point annotation in Civil 3D
Best practices for efficient Civil 3D data processing
Cannot save Alias to acadmap.ini
Civil 3D 2015: Pipe Network in cross section displays outside of cross section view
Civil 3D 2016: The Geolocation tab is not available when using some coordinate systems
Civil 3D 2018:Is there any way to utilize legacy point clouds in 2018
Civil 3D is only to have one section per sheet
Civil 3D tool palettes load slow
Civil 3D with Country Kits: Part List for Pressure Networks, material name stays empty
Civil 3D: Contextual ribbons don’t show when selecting objects
Civil 3D: Glyph bug when using the feature line quick elevation feature
Civil 3D: Importing a TIF image gives an image is invalid error
Civil 3D: Is it possible to have consecutive spirals without any lines or curves
Civil 3D: Unable to load part family” when attempting to swap parts
Could not paste grading surface to the target surface
Dialog box error AutoCAD -Corrupted pre install when loading C3D 2018
Error: “FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x####### Exception at ######### ” in Civil ...
Errors with band annotation in profile view for structures in Civil 3D
Exported IFC file from AutoCAD Civil 3D missing some elements.
Fatal error when editing a Multi Line or a Single Line text in Civil 3D
FDO Connection to SHP File Crashes AutoCAD Map 3D
First and last increment label in data band is empty
Grading creation has no result
How do you get the MedianDepressed subassembly to work?
Hydraflow Storm Sewers Results - Not displaying full heading
Language in codes is not as expected
Missing Alignments in Prospector
Polyline dynamic grip editing only works first time
Polyline quick edit command only works the first time (Civil 3D)
Profile labels shift in paper space layout
Sharing Geotechnical Module templates and styles
Multiple xsection view reset to “No surface selected” if surfaces are xrefed
SSA UK Modified Rational Hydrology Method: Multiple storm return period not working
Storm and Sanitary Analysis - Unable to import STM data
Surface displays holes during Animation preview


April 2017

Civil 3D Profile View - style changes doesn’t update display
.LAS in Civil 3D 2018
Additional rail subassamblies in Civil 3D
Civil 3D roundabout standard assemblies
Cannot change Alignment Station information in Civil 3D
Civil 3D 2017 crashes with export to 2010
InfraWorks 360 to Civil 3D producing incorrect coordinates
Map 3D North arrow is not pointing to North
Missing Quantity Takeoff Report directory or wrong link in Civil 3D Hungarian version
Setting exported Civil 3D drawing object color ByLayer instead of ByEntity
Civil 3D: Coordinate system shift surface created from RCS/RCP file
Add to Map will not add the layer from WFS connection to Task Pane
Additional pressure pipes catalogs only available for Imperial version
AEC objects set to display BYLAYER are the wrong color in Xref in AutoCAD Architecture or AutoCAD ME...
Attaching excel database in Map3D shows Invalid Workspace file format error
AutoCAD Map3D: change field format with the Schema Edit tools
AutoCAD Map3D: WFS Style and Symbology is not shown correctly in Civil 3D Product
Change location of SQlite files for pipe network in Civil 3D
Civil 3D - Curves Incorrectly Displayed with Multiple Viewports
Civil 3D 2018:crash when using Look In from Open file dialog
Civil 3D does not support exchange language via language pack
Civil 3D Fails to paste DEM (Grid) Surface
Civil 3D hangs on importing GIS Surface from SHP
Civil 3D: Unable to save file
Civil 3D: When creating a Pipe Network with custom structure rule sets the custom structure rules ar...
Command text shows cryptic messages
Connection problem in Autocad Map 3D 2017 with Personal Geodatabase from ArcGIS 10.3.1
DACH Extension: OKSTRA import does not read latest OKSTRA file versions correctly
Drawings open slowly in AutoCAD Civil 3D showing “Upgrading COGO Points”
Civil 3D 2018 objects in previous versions
Exploding Points gives unexpected results with annotative blocks
How to convert Object Data to labels in AutoCAD Map 3D?
Map commands not recognized
MAPIMPORT4 / MAPEXPORT4 show error message
Opening an InfraWorks model in Civil 3D does not work
Re-import survey data in Civil 3D producing inconsistent Survey Figures
SBSH and SBSD values are not carried over to Size Parameters in PARTBUILDER
The installer fails installing SSA with error 1721
Tips for working with large surfaces
User made intersection assembly giving errors in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017
When using commands from USDA NRCS tab it shows unknown command


March 2017

Fatal error when saving Civil 3D file

Remove pipe structure bottom thickness from profile view 

Country specific content for Civil 3D 

Parcel shows inside out

How to split GIS Feature(s) from FDO connected datasources 

Civil 3D: Alignment Length does not reflect KMZ length
Civil 3D: Creating Best Fit Alignment that goes through every point
Civil 3D: Video tooltips do not close

How to adjust the precision for profile band elevation?
How to create profile based on a specific grade and distance? 

Error: “Setup was unable to detect any target applications for AutoCAD Civil 3D […] Object Enabler” ... 

Permission to change table and geom from Oracle

Cannot launch Civil 3D
Civil 3D performs slow on Citrix XenApp 6.5
Civil 3D: Cannot see corridor surfaces
Civil 3D: Points clouds come in as International Feet

Error: “The survey database does not exist and could not be recreated” 

Where is Civil 3D 2016 Productivity Pack 3? 

3D orbit is not smooth when orbiting a surface and/or Point Cloud

Can’t create station curve report in XSLT format from Civil 3D

Error: “INTERNAL ERROR: !dbobji.cpp@8695” when running drawing query 

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 is crashing with error messages - aeccuipressurepipes.arx 

“Error 25531. Failed to open XML file 0\PackageContents.xml, system error: -2147024786”.


February 2017

Lineweights wont change when updated in layer manager in Civil 3D 

How to turn off circles in corridor section editor in Civil 3D 

Unexpected font and text style appears in Civil 3D 

Civil 3D 2017: Grading objects exploding after audit
Civil 3D: AutoCAD lost the ability to handle the coordinate system transformations
Civil 3D: Dynamic North Arrow does not rotate properly (MAPINSERTPLE)
Missing Check boxes from the InfraWorks 360 2017.3 Import Option 

Error: A Part Family with the correct geometry for Pipe [Pipe - (xx)] was found, but an exact match ... 
Where to download Rail Layout 2017 

Civil 3D lines do not match up in model space versus paper space
Images in Lat/Long coordiantes in dwgs 

Twin/double/dual gravity pipes in Civil 3D 

Support of AIXM data format in AutoCAD Map 3D or Civil 3D

Error: Warning Multiply Owned Object 

FBX Export from InfraWorks 2017 does not open in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017

Creating a surface from a DEM file takes very long time

Cannot delete FDO data connection 

Civil 3D to selects Xref points at open causing significant delay
Civil 3D: Cannot label curve in the alignment
Civil 3D: Contours wrong scale in cropped surface
Civil 3D: Exporting surface to Trimble fails with .ttm file errors

Command MAPTRIM not deleting all objects according to the selected boundary. 

Civil 3D DDtype command does not work

No (Sub)assembly name in data reference of a corridor
Opening a small DXF file takes long time
Removing duplicate COGO points
The annotation of Civil 3D objects do not use the viewport scale settings in the layout
When creating multiple section views they overlap in Civil 3D 

Adding SP1.1 for C3D 2017 to an existing C3D network deployment 

Civil 3D pressure pipes translation into Infraworks 360
Civil 3D: File created in Civil 3D 2004 and opened in 2017 version loses objects
Civil 3D: How to extract AutoCAD points to CSV file 

Export Civil 3D DWG: “Drawing file is not valid” message when trying to open a just exported DWG

Parts not available when Importing drainage network from Microdrainage

Superelevation band exceeds the profile view extents 

Error when inserting two adjacent surfaces into a surface

River Module: Water levels rise in flow direction

SDF polygons disappear when zooming into geometry 

Fatal Error when launching AutoCAD Electrical

Module extends past bottom of ladder, and does not shift to the next ladder in AutoCAD Electrical

User, Textvalue, and weblink values do not migrate in AutoCAD Electrical 

References are not checked in to Vault from Civil 3D

Shift Selection of multiple grips or points of a polyline in AutoCAD Map 3D and Civil 3D with underl...

In AutoCAD X-ref file showing partially cutoff

Text Showing up on top of each other on PDFs created in AutoCAD 

Civil 3D 2017:Can the Survey Database be used in SQL standard or some other SQL type

Civil 3D crashes when Editing Group Plot Styles

Civil 3D: In Part Builder how to add a custom model parameter

Civil 3D: Managing data references over a low-bandwidth WAN

Civil 3D: User-Contours Color for Each Color Doesn’t Work

The export to DWG didn’t show expected objects. 


January 2017

Civil 3D 2017: When clicking on an assembly there is only the icon and not words to describe what ty...

Export Civil 3D DWG: “Drawing file is not valid” message when trying to open a just exported DWG

How to change the source of a profile name in Civil 3D

Lineweights wont change when updated in layer manager in Civil 3D 

Loading many images with MAPIINSERT creates error message

Parts not available when Importing drainage network from Microdrainage

Performance issues creating a pipe network - lag between each click

Shapefile layers do not plot with transparency 

Unable to Fix Audit Error “eNullObjectId”

When is Object Enabler for Civil 3D required? 

Matt DiMichele
Autodesk Product Blogs | @ADSKCommunity Twitter

Likes are greatly appreciated. Everyone enjoys a thumbs up!

Please Accept As Solution if this resolves your issue, to help others benefit and locate it.