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It's about time to give priority to this one. its still a long way to go to have a touchless isometric. its good if we have it, but For now i rather have a fast isometric extraction in seconds and then manually edit the iso, rather than waiting for a coulple minutes and then I end up touching the iso also.
Its time to look into. Thanks damian for coming up with this initiative. ISO should not take more than 10sec for generation, keep it this has a target.
In his classes at AU2015 speaker Mike Musgrave mentioned that at his company they have devloped a program that runs the ISOs in batch outside of Plant 3D. They are able to run them in the evenings or on weekends without having to be there. Something like that would be beneficial.
This has been under review for 1,5 years now. I'm using plant 3d to quickly generate some simple isometrics for someone and it takes forever to complete. (Plant 3d 2018).
How can this consume so much time, while in Cadworx it's done in the blink of an eye.
Same with our company. Simple isometrics take about 15 minutes to complete. More sophisticated ones more than half an hour (with the time limit of 30s adjusted). Iso's often have to be generated multiple times because of software freezes and fatal errors in the process. We are using Plant3D 2018.
Even just allowing some automatic post processing would speed things up. For us its the LDT that is slow. (each attribute it opens the LDT in Excel grabs the attribute data, closes excel, then opens excel for the next attribute etc. etc.)
So being able to run a lisp or script during the iso production, then we can create our own routines for title block attributes from CSV, and custom stamps, notes etc.
Over 5 years and still the same issues. Even quick Isometrics take a long time and we still have to manually edit them. I believe our largest hurdle is getting the isometrics to drop in Production mode for one selected model and not the selected line through multiple models. Yes it will break the isometrics per model but why do we want isometrics dropped on models that have been previously dropped and issued? There is no way to stop this.
to control all our iso titleblocks. We turn off LDT in Plant3D iso settings, and only fill in line number and drawing number in the titleblock directly from the Plant3D database. (MAP Attributes)
All other titleblock info is filled in from EXCEL CSV as we open the extracted DWG as per LEE MAC scripts.
We find this process of iso extraction very fast and reliable, even with large quantities of isos.