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Please allow for the tray to orented in any position. We have a need for nost all cable tray to be run on EDGE. We have a workaround of lowering the visualization to represent the tray as a box and simply change the dimensions to allow it to apear as though it is on edge. thia will mess up the BOM as you will have some tray read as 4"x24" and some read 24"x 4". Revit MEP cannot do this either.
I am rather surprised this is getting so much support. Not that I am opposed to it. But with Revit MEP, MEP, and Eledes, I would think cable tray would be covered.
I think just being able to do rectangle pipes for the use of cable trays and/or ducting would be hugely beneficial for engineers, in the same way that structures are incorporated.
jhamilton - Engineers and Designers in the Process Industry have no use for Revit. Revit is for buildings not Process Plants and there is nothing in it that works for Process Plants outside of Cable Trays. Why would we want to have a completely different software just to make cable tray? And train all our users in a software that they have no other use in? Plus having to create comp[letely different reports, BOM's, having multiple databases that do not talk to each other? Same reason we do not want to use AutoCAD MEP. It just does not make sense to install another piece of software to do one simple task that as someone earlier stated could be accomplished with Rectangular Pipe.
We also need the ability to do Rectangular Duct but this again is not like the duct in Revit or AMEP. Process Plants such as Waste Incineration use Rectangular Refractory Lined Duct to pass the flue gas. All we need is the ability to make Rectangular Piping and Rectangular to Round Transitions. We can do the transitions currently with block based parts, but we need the ability to make the Rectangular Pipe which we could then use as Duct or Cable Tray - and do everything in one piece of software!