Subject: MAP New features - 04 - Exporting FDO Maps as standard DWG (Small improvment)
So after my very long wish list :
and especially my message : 04-10-2015 10:51 PM in reply to: gluckett
And don't forget the answering message of albert : kalman.albert - 04-11-2015 03:44 AM in reply to: braudpat
I will propose new features for ACAD MAP in each category !
****** Must have : Exporting FDO Maps as standard DWG (Small improvment) ******
Please add a NEW option to export FDO attributes as Object Data of MAP (or CIVIL)
We could be able to select for each FDO layer, if we want OD or not !?
The option to export the FeatureId of the FDO Layer as XDATA is usable only by programmers ...
Regards, Patrice (I am not an Autodesk Advisor)