If you have not installed the new AutoCAD 2025 Feature Update it is available for install now. Check out the added feature improvements:
Activity Insights: For activity insights feature now you can refresh the page using the new refresh button. Searching and the time format is improved. The event of opening a drawing is now named “opened” instead of “viewed”. You can now open XREFs from the activity insight pallete. And the version of the drawing is merged with the saved information.
Smart Blocks: Now you can zoom to the selection during the BCONVERT command. Converted blocks can be assigned to a layer. Blocks can be filtered from the blocks and non-block objects. Updates have been made to the dialog and command prompts.
GPU Text: GPU text is an improvement to text performance. This is turned on by default with the Update 1. Update 1 also resolves defects for this text display. UI has been added to the Graphicsconfig dialog to switch on and off GPU Text.
Share: Updates have been made to the Share dialog for files saved on ACC Docs for AutoCAD Web including new API definitions on Desktop.
A new Share access point to the context menu of Autodesk Projects on App Home page allows a user to click the "Share a link..." and a dialog will pop up to allow user to have the share link handy to share with the team members.
Publish: When publishing on a separate machine the licensing dialog will not prevent publishing if additional instances of AutoCAD are opened on other computers.
Annotation Scale inherited for DIMCONTINUE and DIMBASELINE: The original selected dimension’s annotation scale will be inherited by the continued or baseline dimension.
MLEADERLAYER sysvar: Similar to other annotative objects now MLeaders can have a layer for creating new MLeaders.
3d Wireframe (Fast) Frozen Layers: As the Fast graphics of GSF improve, the frozen layer display in 3d Wireframe is now not showing frozen layers.
Long Web Addresses for Proxy Dialog: Due to the fixed width of the Proxy Graphics Dialog box it was difficult to read long web addresses.
Check out how to install the new update here
AutoCAD Quality Assurance Manager