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Distinguishing a Vehicle's Interior From Exterior and the Limits of Decore


Distinguishing a Vehicle's Interior From Exterior and the Limits of Decore

Not applicable

I have very detailed models of full vehicles and would like to be able to separate the interior components from the exterior components.  When viewing the model in a VR experience I would like to view only the exterior or only the interior.  This will greatly increase the performance required when viewing the models.  Our current method is to manually go through and identify which parts need to be present during each experience (interior or exterior).  I am in search of a way to potentially automate this process.


For example, the 'Decore' option in the Geometry Editor is a good start.  I can use this to maintain the exterior structure while removing unnecessary parts on the interior.  However, if I want to do the reverse (remove exterior parts that cannot be viewed from the interior such as the license plate or an outer door panel) I am not sure how to proceed. 


My initial thought was to identify parts that would be removed by 'decore' and keep them while removing the parts that 'decore' would not touch.  However, I do not think that this is possible with the current options available.  My understanding is that there is also no scripting api related to 'decore.'


Another approach could be to write a script that behaves in a similar manner but tags parts instead of removing them but I do not know which api functions would be the best to achieve this.


Does VRED (pro 2019.3) currently have a way of achieving my goal of distinguishing interior parts from exterior parts?  If not, is there another approach that I may take?



3 Replies
Replies (3)




Thanks for posting! The Decore option would be helpful as well as the Group by Material, followed by Merge. I would suggest manually separating the interior geometry in certain cases depending on the complexity of the model. The recommended workflow would be to reduce the scene to a fewer geometry nodes as possible. Combining objects with the same material assignment is a valuable optimization step.


I hope you find this helpful!


Faline Custodio Da Silva


Not applicable

Thank you for the reply, Faline.  I will look into your recommended workflow.



I suggest using geometry variants to do this...make an exterior variant and an interior variant. Each of those variants would contain only the required geometry/parts. This method allows you to include some interior parts that aid in visualizing the exterior, like seat headrests, pillar trim, etc...alternatively you could include a material variant that makes the windows dark when viewing the exterior only so you don't see any interior. Variants can be controlled using the standard VR controls...In addition to Faline's response regarding materials and geometry nodes...the node structure can have a dramatic affect on VR performance...having a really large number of nodes above the actual geometry is not optimal for VR...Use the scene->optimize tool to reduce the number of nodes in the scene and combine objects of the same material...Of course there is no undo for scene optimize...a typical workflow is to have a working file to import, organize and assign materials and from that constantly evolving file create a VR file for review...if you have access there is a AU 2017 VRED class where I show how to optimize a file for VR review...that class was recorded and is located here:


 It is 1 hour long but he first 15-20 minutes talk about VRED optimization