With the help of Seiferp i could find a workaround and I would like to post it to close the topic!
So in theory, my approach of caching the geometry that is driven by a blendshape, and then exporting it to VRED should work, also when the weight is driven by another node but for some weird reason it just wouldnt work in my scene.
So what I did is not that elegent but gave me a quickfix to move on with my work. I chose the animated geometry that I wanted to export and wrote a tiny MEL script to export the selected objects into an obj every frame for a specified amount of frames. Obviously I had to handle more Data now but the result was basically the same and VRED didn't had any problems in handling the files in a switch node to animate them.
Here's the script for the lazy guys:
//Adjust the loop for the length of your animation
for( $i=0; $i<50; ++$i )
string $filename = ("C:/Users/USER/Desktop/Frame" +$x+".obj");
currentTime (`currentTime -q`+1);
file -op "" -typ "OBJexport" -pr -es $filename;
Kudos to seiferp who helped me to get done in time!