I have this code that I that some else developed (Thank to who ever made this)it works great to plot all the tabs. I'm tryng to figure out a way to plot them to a specified folder. I'm rusty with coding use to be much better but I just don't use cad Autocad as much as I use too.
Seem like I need to add something like this
change C:test ( / cmd) to C:test ( / cmd pathn)
and this
"(if (setq pathn (getfiled "C:\CADD\#####"))"
That as far as I got not sure how to add this to the lisp below. I think it's the correct idea.
I have tried it a few different way and keep breaking the original that works.
(defun C:test ( / cmd)
(setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho)) (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
(foreach Layout (layoutlist)
(command "_.-PLOT"
"No" ; Detailed plot configuration? [Yes/No] <No>: No
Layout ; Enter a layout name or [?] <Layout1>:
"" ; Enter a page setup name
"DWG To PDF.pc3" ; Enter an output device name or [?] <DWG To PDF.pc3>:
(strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") Layout ".pdf") ; Directory to save (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") Layout ".pdf")
"No" ; save changes to page setup?
"Yes" ; proceed with plot?
); command
); foreach
(setvar 'cmdecho cmd)
); defun C:test
@paullimapa I'm using 2024. But...in retrospect, I may have had the pdf files open which is why I was getting inconstant results. If so...I am an idiot. I don't do this all the time so I'm grateful for this forum and guys like you and @ec-cad for taking the time to help me.
glad you got it resolved...cheers!!!
@paullimapa you are correct, I didn't think to have a promp tasking overwrite the files. So now that I have it, I think it's the way to go. @ec-cad, thanks for writing this for me. One of these days, I'll get the hang of it, vlide helps, but not enough.
Don't dispare. I've been coding Lisp for about 39 years now. So, you just need a bit more practice.
If you think that Paulli or I solved the issue, please mark it so.
Yes, thank you I will....lastly, if I want to add the file name + layout to the pdf, why wouldn't the below line work?
(setq file (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") Layout ".pdf") (vl-filename-base (getvar 'dwgname)) ".pdf")) ;Name of file
VLIDE says....; error: bad variable name in SETQ: (VL-FILENAME-BASE (GETVAR ( ... )))
The syntax is a bit off in your filename + layout code.
Here's a version based off of @ec-cad 's penned code. It incorporates Lee Mac's "check if a PDF is open", and also uses the correct syntax for adding the filename + layout:
I have not tested this, but it should be ok...
(defun C:RRR ( / cmd)
(setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho))
(setvar 'cmdecho 0)
(foreach Layout (List "Cover Page" "Demo")
(setq fname (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") Layout ".pdf"))
(if (findfile fname) ; check if file exists
(setq ans (strcase (getstring (strcat "\nFile " fname " exists, do you want to over-write it ? Y or N <Y>:"))))
(if (or (= ans "")(= ans nil)(= ans "Y")); then delete it
(if (_FileOpen-p fname) ; Check to see if the PDF is open
(princ (strcat "\nPDF file " fname " is currently in use. Please close the file.")) ; if yes, then prompt
(progn ; if not, then delete
(princ (strcat "\nDeleted File: " fname)) ; print message
(vl-file-delete fname); delete file
); progn
); if
(if (= ans "N")
(princ (strcat "\nSkipping Existing File: " fname)) ; print message
); if
); progn
); if
;; Continue with Plot if .pdf file does not exist..
(if (not (findfile fname))
(command "_.-PLOT"
"No" ; Detailed plot configuration? [Yes/No] <No>: No
Layout ; Enter a layout name or [?] <Layout1>:
"" ; Enter a page setup name
"DWG To PDF" ; Enter an output device name or [?] <DWG To PDF.pc3>:
(strcat (getvar "dwgprefix") (vl-filename-base (getvar "dwgname")) "-" Layout ".pdf") ; Directory to save
"No" ; save changes to page setup?
"Yes" ; proceed with plot?
); command
); progn
); if
); foreach
(setvar 'cmdecho cmd)
(defun _FileOpen-p ( filename )
(not (vl-file-rename filename filename))
Code from Lee Mac thread:
If your purpose is to include the dwg filename before the layout name then change the line of code to:
(setq file (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX")(vl-filename-base (getvar 'dwgname)) Layout ".pdf")) ;Name of file and layout name
vl-filename-base - is expecting just the layoutname.pdf, not including the Path I think.
Would return just 'layoutname - without the .pdf
I could be wrong on that, just paste (setq file (strcat (vl-filename-base (getvar 'dwgname)) ".pdf"))
to the Command Line, and see what it does.
If 'Layout contains a string value of the Layout needed, then the first part of that line :
(setq file (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") Layout ".pdf")) ; note added ) on end..
Adds the 'layout already, so it would return something like: "C:\\myfolder\\layoutname.pdf"
into the variable 'file
I see Paulli has you covered for drawingname + layout..
I don't think you really want the 'dwgprefix at all. If you want the output file = dwgname_layout.pdf
Try this one:
(setq file (strcat (vl-filename-base (getvar 'dwgname)) "_" layout ".pdf")) ;Name of file
Should return file = "yourdrawing_layout.pdf".
You would need to append the 'dwgprefix to generate a filename to check if exists.
(setq outfile (strcat (getvar 'dwgprefix)(vl-filename-base (getvar 'dwgname)) "_" layout ".pdf"))
Note: the 'dwgprefix will have "\\" on the end automatically.
That would return something like:
Just a comment we plot single pdf's and use a plot lisp, you can though use Ghostscript to rejoin all the pdf's back into one pdf. The joining is done via lisp.
Here is an example. Does plot layouts by range so can do 1 or as many as you have. Needs Multi getvals.lsp
Just add the correct file name code.
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