Lisp no but Lee Macs Scriptwriter can give you the bones you need to do it.
If you can find\build a lisp that will do the steps in a single dwg (_-etransmit perhaps) you can add it to the dialog box wscript gives you and it will run through folders\subfolders for files. (Note if the xref are in the same folder you may have a bit of a problem.)
Here is an example
This will
Open a file
load a lisp I want it to run.
Load another lisp
save it under the same name
then close the file. *file* (load "C:\\dcapps\\test\\drag and drop update fonts.lsp") (load "C:\\dcapps\\test\\width height text change rev 3.lsp") _.saveas *file* _.close
This is the config file it wrote.
You can find the files it creates here if you want to edit them.
" *file* (load "C:\\dcapps\\test\\drag and drop update fonts.lsp") (load "C:\\dcapps\\test\\width height text change rev 3.lsp") _.saveas *file* _.close"
"\\\\Cadd\\DC ACAD\\DEFAULT\\Mech\\DC Mech Details\\temp"
Here is one of the lisp it's loading.
(if (findfile (setq f (strcat (getenv "windir") "\\Fonts\\Arial.ttf")))
(vlax-for s (vla-get-textstyles (setq doc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
(vla-put-fontfile s f)
(vla-put-width s 1.0)
;; RJP » 2020-04-29
(vla-setfont s "Arial" :vlax-false :vlax-false 0 34)
(vla-regen doc acallviewports)
(princ "\nArial font set for all text styles and document regenerated.")
(princ "\nArial.ttf not found in the Fonts directory.")
As you can see it just runs. no (defun c:foo) to launch it.