1. I'm not sure what is the cause that's adding time to the QQS command execution. But prehaps it could be related to CFTALL function being run which searches through your entire drawing for FIELDS including inside Blocks to convert to MTexts. You can always try and comment out the following lines in the code which runs the (C:CFTALL) function to see if that's the cause. Current lines of code:
;;; chk for CFTALL function
(if (not c:CFTALL)
(if (findfile "CFT.lsp")(load "CFT"))
(if c:CFTALL
(c:CFTALL) ; run the field to text conversion function if found
(alert "CFTALL Function Not Found")
) ; if
Place semicolons in front of the lines to prevent execution:
;;; chk for CFTALL function
; (if (not c:CFTALL)
; (if (findfile "CFT.lsp")(load "CFT"))
; )
; (if c:CFTALL
; (c:CFTALL) ; run the field to text conversion function if found
; (alert "CFTALL Function Not Found")
; ) ; if
2. There are two possible causes for the missing images:
(A) Images are attached using Relative & not Full Paths
If you attached these images using relative paths and the drawing is now saved onto a different location which is the organizations drive then AutoCAD won't be able to locate these images.
(B) Images are stored on your local drive only and not on the organizations drive.
When your coworkers open the drawings on the organization's drive AutoCAD won't be able to locate these images stored only on your local drive. Also if something happens to your local drive then all your images will be lost. The best place to store these images is in the organizations drive where the data is always backed up and can be accessible by your coworkers when the clone drawings are opened. Then you should also be attaching these images from the organization's drive and not from your local drive.
3. These are the two ways I would handle the file saving location:
(A) Embed the folder location in the code here: orgdrivefolder "":
(setq initial "VD" ; set initial as needed
dwgnameclone (strcat (vl-filename-base (getvar "dwgname")) initial) ; set clone dwgname
orgdrivefolder "" ; replace "" with orgnanization drive & main folder name to speed up folder selection
So for example if the organization drive's main folder is called: M:\Main Folder then the code will change to look like this:
(setq initial "VD" ; set initial as needed
dwgnameclone (strcat (vl-filename-base (getvar "dwgname")) initial) ; set clone dwgname
orgdrivefolder "M:\\Main Folder" ; replaced with orgnanization drive & main folder
(B) The Express Tool's Folder selection window does NOT provide an option for you to paste a drive & folder name.
So change the following lines of code:
;;; select org locaiton
(if (= 1 *aec_acet*) ; chk if express tools
(setq orglocation (acet-ui-pickdir "Select Folder" orgdrivefolder))
(setq orglocation (aec_get_folder "Select Folder" orgdrivefolder))
To this which comments out the Express Tool's Folder selection (acet-ui-pickdir) function and now uses the custom (aec_get_folder) function:
;;; select org locaiton
; (if (= 1 *aec_acet*) ; chk if express tools
; (setq orglocation (acet-ui-pickdir "Select Folder" orgdrivefolder))
(setq orglocation (aec_get_folder "Select Folder" orgdrivefolder))
; )
This custom window for Folder selection is expandable & has an edit box at the bottom for you to paste that information into:

4. The CFT.lsp function just does the conversion. Do you also want to change the location to save your drawing whenever you run the (C:CFTALL) function?
You'll have to describe more as to what you're thinking of whenever you run CFTALL that's different than QQS
5. Not sure why you have to manually enter (load"QQS") each time when a drawing is opened since you already placed both CFT.lsp and QQS.lsp to automatically load in Appload's Startup Suite. Perhaps you can do a screenshot of your Appload's Startup Suite and share that here like I did below:

6. Well I'm not sure why your organization's folder would get moved or changed while you're working in your drawing locally. But if for some reason this happens right after you select your organization's Main Folder location then enter the following at the command prompt:
(setq *orglocation* nil)
Then run QQS again and you'll be prompted to select a Folder location again.
7. What in your mind would be this considerable expansion of time? 1 Month, 2 Months, 3 Months? There could be a routine added into the QQS code so that when the drawing with the initials exists in the organization's drive location it'll compare the date with the date of the drawing locally saved. So based on your considerable expansion of time definition, it'll then prompt for drawing file replacement or perhaps a completely different drawing name copied to the organization's folder location?