The user doesn't need to be logged into Vault to use the link. When they click on the link, it will start the Vault client. Once the user logs into that server and Vault, it will take the user directly to the object the link came from.
If the thick client remembered the last authentication type used for a specific server, would that solve the problem?
For example, every time the user gets to the login dialog and types in a server, the authentication method is selected automatically based on the last time the user successfully logged into that server.
Having the authentication method in the Send as Link may not work depending on the person getting the link. As previously stated, the company may use Windows Authentication for all employees. Still, if they are collaborating with a third party, the third party may have to use the Vault Account or Autodesk ID method for access. If the link is sent based on the current user's login, the third party will attempt to log in using Windows Authentication and fail.